    关键词  装配机 自动化设计 单向阀 数字样机 装配自动化
    Title    Structural Design and Control One-way Valve Bags Sealed Automatic Assembly Machines
    The subject completed a one-way valve bag sealing machine automatic assembly and structure of the overall program design, modular design concept, will feed into the module assembly machines and assembly modules, combined module frame body through a reliable and stable institutions. Firstly, one-way valve for sealing plastic bags automatic assembly machine demonstration program modules were obtained institutions preliminary two-dimensional schematic. Then the various agencies operating mechanism were analyzed to obtain more reliable and detailed data samples for the design provides a good theoretical basis. Then use Digital Prototyping technology initially established a one-way valve bag sealing three-dimensional model of automatic assembly machines, and key components of the finite element check and optimize the design. Finally finished with the power consumption monitoring, motor start-stop and brake parts detection control circuit design. The assembly machine novel structure, compact, functional, reliable, easy to operate, on aggregate, nesting, assembly and output functions in one-way valve in a plastic bag sealed automatic assembly machines in the field will have a wide range of applications prospects.
    Keywords  assembly machine   design Automation   check valve   digital
    prototyping   assembly automation
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  产品现状与发展趋势    1
    1.3  当前装配机工作方式研究    3
    2  装配零件分析与装配机设计思路    5
    2.1  设计任务    5
    2.2  装配零件分析    5
    2.3  总方案设计思路    8
    3  供料机构方案创新设计    10
    3.1  供料工作方式分析    10
    3.2  供料工作方式选择    13
    4  装配机构方案创新设计    14
    4.1  阀体、阀盖装配机构方案设计    14
    4.2  密封垫、阀盖装配机构方案设计    17
    4.3  阀体、阀盖装配定位初步设计    18
    5  装配机总体设计方案    20
    5.1  装配机总体设计方案    20
    5.2  装配机工作循环    20
    6  装配机参数设计    22
    6.1  供料机构参数设计    22
    6.2  装配机构参数设计    25
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