    摘要为了进一步提高国内小口径破甲弹破甲威力,基于国外某新型小口径破甲弹的药型罩和装药结构,运用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件对小口径破甲弹战斗部的药型罩和装药结构进行仿真分析,得到了不同药型罩锥角、炸高和装药结构与战斗部静破甲威力之间的关系,在此基础上提出了提高国内小口径杀伤破甲弹破甲威力的技术途径:适当加大药型罩锥角,如取为60°~70°,而炸药装药外形采用圆柱-圆台形(圆柱在前圆台在后),动态炸高尽可能控制在20mm~30mm。由于炸高不需要很高,故可采用弹底引信,而头部采用空壳结构不损失破甲威力。以35 mm口径榴弹发射器破甲弹为例,按上述设计原则优化之后,静破甲深度可达69mm,约提高了17%。23228
    Title   35mm caliber structure simulation of  High-Explosive Anti-Tank projectile                                              
    In order to increase the power of small-caliber armor High-Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT) projectile, based on a new type of small-caliber shaped charge of foreign drug-type hood and charging structure, using ANSYS / LS-DYNA software for small-caliber shaped charge warhead charge of liner and structural simulation analysis, the different shaped charge liner cone angle, deep-fried and high charging structure and the power of armor warhead the relationship between, on the basis of a proposed increase domestic small-caliber anti-armor HEAT lethality and powerful technical approach: appropriate to increase of liner cone angle, as taken as 60 °~ 70 °, while the explosive charge using a cylindrical shape - round table shape (cylindrical round table in the front), Dynamic fried high controlled 20 mm~30 mm as possible. Since fried high does not require high, so the bottom can be bomb fuze, while the head using a shell structure without loss of power armor. To 35 mm caliber grenade launcher HEAT example, according to the above design principles after optimization, static Penetration depth of up to 69mm, by about 17% .
    Keywords High-Explosive Anti-Tank, shaped charge jet, shaped charge liner,
           Numerical Simulation
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  研究工作的意义    1
    1.2  聚能装药技术的发展及应用    1
    1.3  小口径破甲弹国内外现状    3
    1.4  本文主要研究内容    4
    2  聚能射流基本理论    6
    2.1  聚能射流形成机理    7
    2.2  聚能射流破甲理论    10
    2.3  穿孔深度算例    14
    2.4  本章小结    16
    3  影响破甲作用的因素    17
    3.1  药型罩    17
    3.2  聚能装药    21
    3.3  炸高对破甲作用的影响    22
    3.4  制备工艺对破甲作用的影响    22
    3.5  本章小结    23
    4  制式聚能射流战斗部产品仿真验模说明    24
    4.1  ANSYS/LS-DYNA简介    24
    4.2  装药结构及有限元模型    24
    4.3  材料模型及参数    25
    4.4  仿真结果及说明    29
    5  小口径破甲弹装药结构方案设计与仿真研究    30
    5.1  小口径破甲弹可能的新型装药结构及有限元模型    30
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