
      关键字  制导炮弹  非对称 动力学建模 数值仿真 稳定性分析
    Title    Dynamics modeling and stability analysis of an asymmetric guided projectile   
    To explore the asymmetric factors of guided projectiles affecting on ballistic characters and flight stability, a 6 degrees of freedom dynamic model of a guided projectile with canards is built and analyzed, considering the influence of the quality asymmetry. Trajectory simulation is based on the method of Runge-Kutta under different shooting conditions.  Under certain shooting conditions, the ballistic characters between the non-controlled projectile and the controlled projectile are compared. Considering the asymmetric factors, the attack angle equations against the controlled projectile are deduced, and the stability analysis on the forced movement of the projectile is studied. The results show that the stability of asymmetric guided projectile are affected by many factors. As a result, the relationship among maneuverability, stability and rotational speed must have been handled well when designing projectiles.
    Keywords  guided projectile  asymmetry  dynamic modeling 
    numerical simulation  stability analysis 
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1  制导炮弹的研究现状    2
    1.2.2  制导炮弹动力学的研究现状    3
    1.3  本文所要开展的工作    4
    2  非对称制导炮弹的动力学建模    5
    2.1  本文研究的非对称制导炮弹    5
    2.2  坐标系及其转换    5
    2.2.1  常用坐标系的定义    5
    2.2.2  各坐标系间的转换关系    7
    2.3  作用在炮弹上的力和力矩    9
    2.3.1  相对气流速度和相对攻角    9
    2.3.2  重力    10
    2.3.3  有风时的空气动力    10
    2.3.4  有风时的空气动力矩    11
    2.4  炮弹运动方程的一般形式    15
    2.4.1  质心运动方程    15
    2.4.2  绕心运动方程    16
    2.4.3  炮弹刚体运动方程组的一般形式    23
    2.5  炮弹6自由度刚体弹道方程    23
    3  非对称制导炮弹的弹道特性数值仿真    27
    3.1  仿真条件    27
    3.2  无控弹道仿真    29
    3.3  有控弹道仿真    33
    4  非对称制导炮弹的角运动模型与稳定性分析    38
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