

    毕业论文关键字:变后掠翼  攻角  飞行弹道  升阻比  操纵性  稳定性


    Title    Characteristics of Trajectory Analysis for guided        

    bombs with Variable Sweep Wings                                            

    Abstract To enhance the gliding ability of glider guided bombs, Studied a problems of bombs with Variable Sweep Wings trajectory optimization design, Analysis the dynamic characteristic of bombs with Variable Sweep Wings . Then brief introduction to the mathematical model and the characteristics of the algorithm ,then Use C++ software development the trajectory ,using balance the gravity method for optimization the glide trajectory of subsonic, transonic, super three kinds of launch conditions. The results show that: In the supersonic launch conditions with Variable Sweep Wings shape has obvious effect of extended range .Using a small perturbation method for dynamic analysis,analyze the influence on stability and maneuverability

    Keywords:  Variable Sweep Wings  Angle of attack  flight trajectory  Lift-to-drag ratio  maneuverability  stability

    1  绪论 1

    1.2  课题研究目的与意义 1

    1.2  国内外的研究现状 1

    1.3  本文研究的内容 3

    2  变后掠翼滑翔制导炸弹的数学模型 4

    2.1  坐标系及坐标系定义 4

    2.2  变后掠翼滑翔制导炸弹纵向运动方程组 8

    2.3  纵向扰动运动方程组 9

    3  变后掠翼滑翔制导炸弹轨迹特性分析 14

    3.1  可变后掠翼炸弹参数及设计条件 14

    3.2  变后掠翼弹道设计 15

    3.3  计算流程与计算方法 17

    3.4  不同投放条件下,可变后掠翼炸弹弹道计算结果 18

    4  变后掠翼滑翔制导炸弹动态特性分析 28

    4.1  扰动运动的研究方法 28

    4.2  变后掠翼制导炸弹飞行方案弹道 29

    4.3  驱动参数作匀速运动时,纵向自由扰动运动动态特性分析 31

    4.4  舵角阶跃偏转时纵向运动的特性分析 33

    4.5  计算结果分析 37

    结论 38

    致谢 39


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