    毕业论文关键词: 饮料瓶;机械手;气动装置
    Design of drink bottled box system
    Abstract: The modern industrial production, often need to count and packaging products, if these complex work done by artificially low efficiency, and high labor intensity, production can not meet the needs of modernization. This paper designs a set of plastic beverage bottle feeding, automatic packing of the pneumatic device, including the mechanical structure and pneumatic circuit design, and can be a number on the packing speed and each bottle can be adjusted in a certain range.The system has a manipulator and a two conveyor belts, namely the transportation manipulator, package box conveyer belt and conveyor belt products.Transportation Manipulator used to transfer the beverage bottle, beverage box which is the product of the conveyor belt to the beverage package box conveyer belt. The package box conveyer belt is used to deliver the product packaging box, and its function is to remove the packing box has been filled, and an empty place.The mechanical system adopts pneumatic device, which has the advantages of high precision, low cost, strong anti-interference ability, low failure rate, simple operation and maintenance, and has good application value.
    Key words: The beverage bottle; manipulator; pneumatic device
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  机械手概述    1
    1.2 机械手的组成和分类    1
    1.2.1机械手的组成    1
    1.2.2机械手的分类    3
    1.3 国内外发展状况    4
    1.4课题的提出及主要任务    6
    1.4.1课题的提出    6
    1.4.2课题的原始条件及数据    7
    1.4.3课题的主要任务    7
    2  饮料瓶装箱系统的设计方案    8
    2.1机械手的总体方案    8
    2.2 机械手的夹持机构设计    9
    2.3 机械手的手臂结构方案设计    13
    2.4 机械手的驱动方案设计    13
    2.5 机械手的控制方案设计    13
    2.6 机械手的主要参数    13
    2.7饮料瓶装箱机动作过程示意图    14
    3 手臂伸缩、升降、回转气缸的选用设计    17
    3.1气缸的选用    17
    3.2气缸的设计    18
    3.2.1手臂伸缩气缸    18
    3.2.2升降气缸    20
    3.2.3回转气缸    22
    4  推力球轴承的选用计算    24
    4.1推力球轴承的选用    24
    4.2推力球轴承的计算    25
    5气动系统设计    27
    5.1 机械手气动流程图    27
    5.2机械气动回路图    28
    结论    30
    致谢    31
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