    毕业论文关键词: 浇注系统;塑料模具设计;灯座
    The studies of the gating system and the design of lamp base
    Abstract:The design is about study and comb again of pouring system knowledge which is the important part of the injection mold. I did a study for ordinary gating system and runless gating system respectively. Combined with the introduction of relevant journal articles and books abroad, made a summary about pouring system design principles and the selection of the parts. At last, by sorting and reasoning study, so as to further understanding and get familiar with the design rules of gating system, obtained the summary by the predecessors' experience in the design. In addition, this paper also has designed the injection moulds for plastic lamp holder. Designed a pair of one module and two cavity injection mold by comprehensive analyzing of the plastic parts structure and performance after choose the injection machine, also calculated and selected the important parts of the process parameters .In this paper, most part of this mold has detailed selection principle, as far as possible to assemble the mold with the best combination of the form.
    Key words: the gating system; plastic mold; mold design;lamp base
     目  录
    1  引言1
    2  浇注系统研究2
    2.1  普通浇注系统2
    2.1.1  概述2
    2.1.2  模具型腔及浇注系统内的压力周期分析3
    2.1.3  浇注系统各部分的设计4
    2.2  无流道浇注系统9
    2.2.1  概述9
    2.2.2  绝热流道注塑模具9
    2.2.3  热流道注塑模具10
    3  塑件的工艺分析12
    3.1  塑件的原材料分析12
    3.2  塑件的尺寸精度分析13
    3.3  塑件表面质量分析13
    3.4  塑件的工艺结构性分析13
    3.5  塑件的成型工艺参数分析13
    4  注射机类型的选择15
    4.1  注射机规格的初选15
    4.2  注射机各项参数的校核16
    4.2.1  注射量的校核16
    4.2.2  注射压力的校核16
    4.2.3  锁模力的校核16
    4.2.4  模板安装尺寸的校核16
    4.2.5  模具高度与注射机闭合高度关系的校核17
    4.2.6  开模行程的校核17
    5  型腔数目及其布局的确定18
    5.1  型腔数目的确定18
    5.2  型腔布局的排列18
    6  分型面的确定19
    7  浇注系统的设计20
    7.1  主流道的设计20
    7.2  分流道的设计20
    7.3  浇口的设计20
    7.4  冷料井和拉料杆的设计21
    7.5  排气槽的设计21
    8  成型零部件的设计22
    8.1  型芯和型腔结构形式的设计22
    8.1.1  型腔的结构设计22
    8.1.2  型芯的结构设计22
    8.2  成型零部件工作尺寸的计算22
    8.2.1  型腔的尺寸计算22
    8.2.2  型芯的尺寸计算23
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