    The design for the crank rod system of a Emery wheel machine repaired and projector
    Abstract:As the diameter of the development of modern industry, mobile phones, computer circuit board carbide drill small holes need to be drilled. Carbide drill undercut. This undercuts need diamond wheel to grind, diamond grinding wheel manufacturing and repair need to use diamond grinding wheel finishers, my issue is diamond wheel finishers.My study is emery wheel repairing the crank rod system and the design of the projector.This article describes the current development of grinding technology, to clarify the purpose and significance of this research. On the basis of summarizing and from abroad like King Kong and Taiwan wheel finishers on imiing the projector plywood and shaft were checking calculations. Final design of the diamond wheel finishers in enhancing China's equipment manufacturing industry has far-reaching strategic significance.
    KeyWords: Crank rod system; Projector;
    1  绪论    3
    1.1  课题研究的目的及意义    3
    1.2  金刚砂轮修整机的简介    3
         1.2.1金刚砂轮简介    4
         1.2.2金刚砂轮的结构    4
         1.2.3绿色碳化硅    5
    2  课题内容    5
    2.1  设计目的与要求    5
    2.2  技术要求及参数    5
    3  实现直线往复运动的方案    6
    3.1 油缸机构    6
    3.2  曲柄连杆机构    6
    3.3  曲柄连杆机构的设计计算    8
      3.3.1行程速比系数    8
      3.3.2曲柄长度的计算    8
      3.3.3设计说明    9
    4 导轨的选用    9
    4.1  各类导轨简介    9
    4.2  导轨副的安装    11
    5  投影仪部分    12
    5.1  投影仪简介    12
    5.2  投影仪夹板的设计    14
      5.2.1夹板的设计要求    14
      5.2.2夹板强度计算    14
      5.2.3夹板结构的确定    16
    5.3  砂轮的调心    16
    6 带传动    17
    6.1  带传动简介    17
    6.2  带传动类型    18
    6.3  带传动设计计算    18
    7 轴承部    20
    7.1  轴承的选用    20
    8 连接曲柄盘的轴的设计    21
    8.1  轴的强度校核    21
    8.2  轴的刚度校核    23
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考资料    27
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