    Design of continuous supercritical fluid dyeing device
    Abstract:The continuous supercritical fiuid dyeing device which containers for high pressure dyeing tube ,flange,carrier of gauze,closing device and their accessories.Because the pressure in the high pressure dyeing tube is 42MPa and the temperature is 140℃,316 stainless steel was chosen as material of the high pressure dyeing tube and flange.And I must design flange by use the method of Waters.Before do the design of dyeing device, the first step is feasibility analysis, and then according to the given process parameters and conditions of the device. Then design the dyeing device . In order to ensure the structure strength and performance, strength, stiffness and stability must be checked. After checking, O-rings,protector of O-rings,bezel and flanges, gaskets, fasteners were determined. Finally, we could consider the overall , simulation and optimization. Above all, the design of the continuous supercritical fluid dyeing device will be completed basically.
    Key Words: supercritical carbon dioxide;continuous feeding;high-pressure technology;strength check
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 连续式超流体印染的简介    1
    1.2 连续式超临界印染装置的发展    2
    1.2.1 国内研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题设计条件    3
    1.4  课题分析    3
    2 高压染色管的设计    4
    2.1  高压染色管的设计条件     4
    2.2  材料的选择    4
    2.3  设计标准    5
    2.4  高压染色管壁厚的设计    5
    2.5  高压染色管的校核    6
    2.6  高压染色管长度和管径的分布    7
    2.6.1  高压染色管管长的分布    7
    2.6.2  高压染色管管径的分布    8
    2.7  高压染色管管径变化连接处的处理    8
    2.8  高压染色管管道上的开孔    9
    2.9  本章小结    10
    3 法兰的设计    11
    3.1  材料的选择     11
    3.2  整体法兰的设计    11
    3.2.1 法兰的形状与尺寸    11
        3.2.2 法兰上大螺纹的设计    13
      3.2.3 法兰上螺栓与螺母的设计    14
    3.3  法兰上各零件应力的校核    15
      3.3.1 垫片压紧力    15
      3.3.2 螺栓预紧力    16
      3.3.3 螺栓面积    16
      3.3.4 螺栓设计载荷    17
      3.3.5 法兰力矩    17
      3.3.6 法兰设计力矩    18
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