    This is a paper on the structure and control of the chain continuous transmission line, in this paper, the main transmission line structure and PLC and inverter control is an in-depth research and design. This design mainly adopts the mechanical structure design of the chain transmission line, AC drive speed control based on the frequency converter and the computer control system based on PLC (programmable controller). The design of the main working principle is: transporting through the PLC control inverter starting motor, material in the transmission process board, pressure electrical sensor detecting material conv    eying quality, speed sensor detects a need for signal transmission speed regulation after the control signal to the PLC to control the inverter; at the end of the displacement sensor detecting the material arrives, and ultimately the purpose of conveying material. In this paper, detailed introduces the chain sprocket transmission device of the mechanical structure, control system hardware and software composition, systematically using I / O distribution diagram, the software flow chart and the ladder chart programming to describe the simulation of the operation of the system.
    Key words:Automatic doors;Multi-door multi-track; Lower bearing structure;frequency transformer;transducer
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1链条输送线系统概述    1
    1.2链条输送的研究背景及意义    1
    第二章  总体方案设计    3
    2.1 总体设计的内容及要求    3
    2.1.1设计内容    3
    2.1.2技术参数    3
    2.2方案的比较与选择    3
    2.2.1驱动装置的方案选择    3
    2.2.2调速装置的方案选择    3
    2.2.3控制装置的方案选择    4
    2.3系统结构框图    4
    2.4具体工作过程    5
    第三章  机械结构设计    6
    3.1  整体结构    6
    3.1.1 结构示意简图    6
    3.2 支撑部分    6
    3.3 电动机    7
    3.3.1 选择电动机类型    7
    3.3.2选择电动机容量及型号    7
    3.4 减速装置    8
    3.4.1 分配传动比    8
    3.4.2 减速装置的齿轮计算    8
    3.4.3 运动和动力参数计算    8
    3.4.4 传动精度的确定    9
    3.5 联轴器    9
    3.5.1 选择类型    10
    3.5.2 求计算转矩    10
    3.5.3 确定型号    10
    3.6 链条    10
    3.7 链轮    12
    3.8 链条输送装置    13
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