


    毕业论文关键词  有限元仿真  动力学仿真  结构优化  


    Title  The finite element and dynamics simulation      of the test bench

    Abstract The multiple consecutive test bench is used to test the performance of hard target smart fuze。The key components of the test bench is measuring head,which needs strength analysis. The strength analysis use ANSYS / LS-DYNA for the finite element simulation of measuring head. And the results are analyzed to identify the structural defects in the measuring head . And compared with the actual results to determine whether the results  is useful . Then do some structure optimization . Analysis the structure optimization .

    The ADAMS software is used to do the dynamics simulation of the test bench. And the result is combined with theoretical calculations to find the way to short the interval of  the consecutive impact . Finally the AVR is used to finish the design of the speed test of pneumatic pull-off device.

    Keywords   finite element simulation structure optimization dynamics simulation 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 钻地弹及硬目标灵巧引信国内外发展介绍 2

    1.3 连续冲击试验台的研究意义 3

    2 LS-DYNA仿真系统建模以及有限元分析 4

    2.1 LS-DYNA起源与发展历程 4

    2.1.1 LS-DYNA起源 4

    2.1.2 LS-DYNA的优点 4

    2.1.3 本次有限元处理流程 5

    2.2 材料与单元的选择 5

    2.2.1 材料的选择 5

    2.2.2 单元的选择 6

    2.3模型切分和网格划分 6

    2.3.1模型切分前的准备工作 6

    2.3.3 转台模型切分 7

    2.3.4 网格划分方式的选择 7

    2.3.5 转台的化简 8

    2.4 创建part和定义接触 8

    2.4.1 LS-DYNA中的接触的独特性 8

    2.4.2 LS-DYNA中接触的分类 9

    2.5 定义转速 10

    2.6 定义约束 11

    2.7求解设置 12

    2.7.1 终止时间的设置 12

    2.7.2 时间步的设定 12

    2.7.3 输出文件类型的设置

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