    摘要:随着我国国民经济的快速发展,尤其是最近几年对能源的需求量越来越大,而我国国内主要能源的开采日渐枯竭, 能源危机日益严峻, 由此也产生了严重的环境危机,但是我国的能源利用还很落后,尤其在工业炉方面,而我国是工业大国,世界的加工工厂, 工业炉每年耗费了大量的燃料,提高工业炉的燃料使用率已成为我国节能降耗的重要途径和重要任务, 工业炉的设计改进已列为十二五规划的重要一项逐步展开。节能低耗的工业炉必将成为未来工业炉的主流,本文主要介绍了38 吨普碳钢连续加热炉的设计,主要包括燃料与燃烧的计算;钢坯加热的计算;炉膛尺寸的确定;炉底水冷构件的设计;炉体砌筑材料和尺寸的确定、钢架结构的确定;炉子热平衡和燃料量的确定;换热器的设计、管道系统的设计;排烟系统设计。57174
    Design of Pusher Type Continuous Reheating Furnace
    Abstract: With the rapid development of China's national economy, especially in recentyears, increasing demand for energy exploitation of our domestic energy depleting,increasingly serious energy crisis, which also had a serious environmental crisis, but China'senergy use is still lagging behind, especially in the industrial furnace, while China is themajor industrial countries and the world of processing plants, industrial furnaces annuallyspent large amounts of fuel, improve the fuel utilization rate of industrial furnaces, hasbecome an important way of saving energy and important task of the industrial furnacedesign improvements have been listed as the 12th five Year Plan a step by step.Energy-saving and low consumption of industrial furnaces will become the futuremainstream of industrial furnaces, this paper describes the 38 tons of pusher type continuousreheating furnace design, including the calculation of fuel and combustion; billet heatingcomputing; furnace size; bottom the design of the water-cooled components; furnacemasonry materials and sizes to determine the steel frame structure; furnace heat balance andthe determination of the amount of fuel; heat exchanger design, the design of piping systems;smoke control system design.
    KeyWords:pusher type continuous reheating furnace;energy;temperature

    目 录



    目 录. ii

    1 绪论. 1

    1.1 加热炉概念.. 1

    1.2 加热炉分类.. 1

    1.3加热炉的一般组成部分.. 1

    1.3.1炉膛 1

    1.3.2炉墙 1

    1.3.3炉顶 2

    1.3.4炉底 2


    1.4 汽化冷却系统.4


    1.5.1热效率.. 4

    1.5.2热损失.. 4

    1.5.3减少热损失措施 5

    1.6 高效炉的特性.6

    1.7 国内外研究现状6

    1.8 设计的目的和意义..7

    2 燃料燃烧计算9

    2.1 已知条件.. 9

    2.2 空气需要量和燃烧产物量及其成分的计算.9

    2.1.1理论空气需要量 9

    2.1.2实际空气需要量 9


    2.3 燃烧产物密度计算..11

    2.4 理论燃烧温度的计算 11


    2.4.2实际燃烧温度:. 12

    2.5 一炉钢坯数及出钢间隔.. 13

    3钢坯加热时间计算.. 14


    3.1.1.炉宽. 15

    3.1.2炉高: 15

    3.1.3各段内表面面积. 15



    3.4 O 2 2 H CO 和 的分压:. 17


    3.6各段炉壁对金属表面的角系数:. 18

    3.7 各段炉壁对金属表面的综合辐射系数:19

    3.8 各段传热系数:19

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