    关键词: 数控车床;机械手;上下料;PLC;液压
    Lathe loading and unloading robot
    Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency of the production and processing, reduce costs and make production line development to become flexible manufacturing system, to adapt to the large modern automated production, the use of automation technology, to design with a loading and unloading mechanical hand instead of manual loading, in order to improve labor productivity. The robot finally forms in combination with the CNC machine tools, production lines, process automation and unmanned. Specifically for the overall design of the robot, back the design of the robot arm structure, the design of the end effector(gripper) structural of the robot mechanical transmission mechanism design, design the robot drive system. Through the analysis of the production process for CNC lathe, prepared a the movement of the robot, clamping release by hand, mechanical arm telescopic arm, the mechanical hand column lift, robot rotating column of four degrees of freedom, and hands’ clamping and releasing, telescoping of arm of the robot, the robot column lift with hydraulic drive, the rotation of the column is rotated by a stepping motor. Its control mode is controlled by PLC, the choice of Siemens S7-200 type, so that it can automatically gripping the workpiece, and the work put into the lathe spindle, and return to the safe location, upon completion of the workpiece before the workpiece go back into the material, conveyor belt, to meet the design objectives and requirements.
    Key Words: CNC lathe; Robot; Loading and Unloading; PLC; Hydraulic
    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    工业机械手概况    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状和趋势    3
    1.3    工业机械手在工业生产中的应用    3
    1.4    工业机械手在工业生产中的应用    4
    2    设计方案的论证    6
    2.1    机械手的总体结构设计    6
    2.1.1    机械手总体结构可选用方案比较    6
    2.1.2    机械手总体结构具体采用方案    8
    2.2    机械手的驱动方式的分析比较    8
    2.2.1    机械手的驱动方式方案比较    8
    2.2.2    机械手驱动方式的选用    9
    2.3    机械手的控制方式的分析    9
    3    车床上下料机械手设计计算    11
    3.1    机械手夹持器手部结构分析计算    11
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