    Small parts dip coating machine and its control system design
    Abstract:Shanghai machine tool co., LTD., need to add a small parts dip coating machine, to improve the workers labor intensity and working environment, improve the production efficiency. Hereby request using the method of computer aided design, design fitting dip coating machine, and complete the design of the electric control system and pneumatic system.
    The leaching coater is mainly through the spindle control on top (top is a small component of the dip coating, bonzi, small parts) complete the rotary motion, duplex control inner barrel increased lift (inner barrel is dip coating liquid).
    The dip coating machine not only can improve the production efficiency but also can change the working environment, make the environment more environmentally friendly and pleasant.
    By mass production machine instead of manual single production, thus improve the efficiency. Make modern big machine production gradually complete odd part activities, so as to reduce the burden of people, make the society a better place.

    Key Words:dip coating machine;To improve efficiency;Reduce the burden of people;


    1.绪论    3
    1.1项目背景及开题依据    3
    1.2国内目前通常的浸涂方式与方法    3
    1.3课题主要任务    4
    1.4课题的调研过程中发现的问题    4
    1.4.1问题一:传动机构简化问题(旋转运动与升降运动解耦)    4
    1.4.2问题二:内筒升降运动的双缸的同步提升选择液压缸还是气缸    5
    1.4.3问题三:涂料桶升降双缸的同步问题    5
    1.4.4问题四:吊车起吊时的障碍问题(翻边)    5
    1.5功能原理    5
    2. 课题的总体设计方案    6
    2.1总体方案    6
    2.2内筒升降运动的双缸的同步提升选择    7
    2.3轴承的选用    7
    2.3.1选择的方法和步骤    10
    2.3.2向心轴承、推力轴承    10
    2.4涂料桶升降双缸的同步问题的解决    10
    2.5皮带轮的选用    11
    2.5.1带轮的优缺点    11
    2.5.2齿轮的优缺点    11
    2.5.3最终确定    11
    3. 计算设计    13
    3.1带轮的设计计算    13
    3.2液压缸的设计和计算    15
    3.2.1液压缸的设计和计算    15
    3.2.3液压缸的设计和计算    15
    3.2.3液压缸的设计和计算    16
    3.3浸涂机机构设计    18
    3.3.1筒盖运动轨迹分析    18
    3.3.2筒盖运动轨迹分析    20
    4. 浸涂机三文设计    26
    4.1三文设计软件的介绍    26
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