    原来闲置的动态称配合龙门架的光电管测量包件的重量、体积,改写供包机 PLC 程序,实现格口的自动齐格功能,避免了二次扫描,提高了生产效率。这样的设计丰富了供包机的功能。
    除此之外,设计还增加了一些软性设施,增加了中间服务器,使用了标准的 128码,使扫描开拆,上包分拣,齐格封发时时刻刻都在网络中,实时查询所有邮件的信息数据。一切环节都尽量避免了人工录入,节省了人力,减少了错误。
    本文在对控制信息系统改造的论述中,简单的对工程中涉及的 PLC 控制器、频器、电机以及部分传输协议等基本概念进行了讲解,最后介绍了软件环境的配置,使整个系统运转正常。
        In the days of rapid development of modem logistic,as a hardcore production of Logistic Automation,the automatic sorter occupies an important place of China postal automation. And it can also make sense to saving labor force,increasing efficiency,reducing making mistake and reducing costs.
        Linking with the re-design of automatic sorting system in Shenzhen Postal District Central Bureau,this article emphatically discussed the design of 1inks of automatic sorting machines information,including drive control system, trolley control system,parcel conveyor system,host control system as well as composition of information network.
        In the design of drive control system,the mode of tray – type sorting will mainly replace by the mode of high-speed halved belt sorting which meets the need of new trend of the times to improve the working efficiency. Additionally it has set up the linear motor and the vice-driving equipment to make the overall system more stable.
        In the design of trolley control system,the tray-type trolley will mainly replace by the halved belt trolley. Every eight trolleys will be a group and in each group of vehicles,the information transmission is controlled by a control box. Each trolley can turn and reverse by frequency converter and the 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous induction motor so that it can be accurately go up and down.
        In the design of the parcel convey or system,it makes full use of the original in active dynamic scales and coordinates with the photo tube on the gantry frame to measure the weight and size of the parcels. It also can automatically achieve the aligning function by rewriting the PLC program for parcel conveyor and improve production efficiency without the second scanning.
    In the design of the soft facility, it has increased the intermediate server. It has used the standard 128 code to scan,sort,seal and send the postal materials in the network all the time so that all mails can be found. All link shave avoided the artificial input and this has saved the manpower and reduced the mistake.
  1. 上一篇:小型零件浸涂机及其控制系统设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:二辊矫直机改进设计+文献综述
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