    Title   Numerical simulation of blending process for the  rotating detonation engine combustor                                         

    During recent years, rotating detonation engine (RDE) has become a hot international topic in propulsion systems, with many advantages ,such as high combustion efficiency, simple structure, high thrust-weight ratio, and Wide range of applications. Aiming at the development of the rotating detonation engine in China and around the world, together with the prospects and application in the future, the paper do some research on numerical simulation of blending process for the rotating detonation engine combustor to study the main factors that affect the mixed effect. To improve the mixed effect, the engines take slot-injector impinging injection method. In this paper, with reference to the engine structure of Air Force Research Laboratory and National University of Defense Technology , two kinds of models are presented. Through numerical simulation for the models under different conditions, discuss the impacts of pressure and structural of Injection sections on the mixed effect, and do simple review and summarize.Keywords: rotating detonation engine; blending; numerical simulation; mixed effect
     目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  旋转爆震发动机的基本原理    1
    1.2  国内外研究概况与现状    2
    1.3  选题目的和意义    4
    1.4  本文研究内容    4
    2  气相爆轰数值模拟方法    5
    2.1  方程组    5
    2.2  混合气体状态参数    6
    2.3  化学反应源项    7
    2.4  离散方法    9
    2.5  数值方法验证    14
    3  模型1掺混过程数值模拟    19
    3.1  计算模型    19
    3.2  计算条件    20
    3.3  计算结果与分析    20
    3.4 小结    39
    4  模型2掺混过程数值模拟    40
    4.1  计算模型    40
    4.2  计算条件    40
    4.3  计算结果与分析    40
    4.4  小结    52
    结  论    53
    致  谢    54
    1  引言
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