    Design of feed system on five-axis vertical machining center
    Abstract:Five axis vertical machining center is a collection of a variety of functions in one of the numerical control processing equipment, a clamping workpiece can be carried out after the processing of a variety of process and more process for complex curved surface parts processing. So it has the characteristics of processing ability and excellent comprehensive performance. This paper studies the five axis feed drive system of the vertical machining center.Machining center adopts the vertical layout, high-speed motorized spindle by installing seat installed in the column on the slide guide rail, column guideway adopt ball linear guide, can realize the Z direction of the feed movement. And respectively installed above the line at the bottom of the column guide rail connects the spindle slide and machine tool lathe bed, X, Y axis linear feed movement.
    It is an important fact for NC machining center to have a feed system with high performance. An integrated method of feed system on a vertical machining canter was developed. Its design method and procedure were analyzed in detail. How to choose the construction of the feed system was introduced and the rigidity of the system was vertified. The reliability of the design is ensured.
    Keywords: Vertical machining ; Five-axis ; Feed system
    目    录
    摘   要    1
    ABSTRACT    2
    目   录    3
    1. 绪  论    6
    1.1 课题的背景和目的    6
    1.2 国内外研究的现状及发展趋势    7
    1.2.1 我国加工中心的研究现状    7
    1.2.2进给系统的发展现状    8
    1.2.3 加工中心的发展趋势    8
    2. 总体设计    11
    2.1 五轴加工中心进给运动设计方案的确定    11
    2.2 滚动轴承选择设计方案的确定    12
    2.3 润滑方式选择设计方案的确定    12
    3. 进给系统设计    14
    3.1 X轴(横向)传动部分的设计    15
        3.1.1 切削力的计算    15
        3.1.2 滚珠丝杠的选择计算    16
        3.1.3 传动齿轮的选择    19
        3.1.4 滚动轴承的选择    20
        3.1.5 伺服系统的选择计算    21
    3.2 Y轴(纵向)传动部分的设计    25
        3.2.1 切削力的计算    25
        3.2.2 滚珠丝杆的选择计算    25
        3.2.3 传动齿轮的选择    28
        3.2.4 滚动轴承的选择    28
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