    关键词    自动取样、机械手、PLC控制、气压驱动
    Title  Design of the automatic sampler for the Iron ore belt transportion
    The iron ore powder automatic sampling machine designed in this thesis is a special type of the mechanical arm, it can get the sample,loft and anti impact performance quantitatively and timely with rotation . Through the comparing of various arm mechanism which can swing , finally choosing the PLC control which is a simple, generic control mode. Execution mechanism of the manipulator is connected body pendulum and sampling scoop elastic, the swing angle range of mechanical arm is relatively small, so the driving device adopts swing cylinder. The transmission shaft cylinder output shaft and a mechanical arm are connected by a shaft coupling to realize synchronous rotation. In order to control the pressure driven bidirectional electromagnetic reversing valve in the loop to control the on-off electric cylinder, so that the robot arm to complete a single sampling action and set the sampling interval, we have designed the corresponding PLC control circuit.
    Keyword  Automatic sampling,manipulator,Pneumatic driving,PLC control
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    1.1  选题背景    6
    1.1.1  自动取样设备的研究现状    6
    1.1.2  自动取样设备的分类    6
    1.2  本课题研究的问题和内容    6
    1.2.1  本课题的研究任务    6
    1.2.2  本课题要求    6
    1.2.3  课题的主要任务    7
    2  摆臂机构的选择    8
    2.1  可实现摆臂机构分析    8
    2.1.1  铰链四杆机构    8
    2.1.2  摆动摇杆机构    9
    2.1.3  摆动从动件凸轮机构    9
    2.1.4  可编程控制器(PLC)控制    10
    2.2  机构的选择    11
    3  自动取样机械臂的设计    12
    3.1自动取样机械臂和取样装置的设计    12
    3.1.1  机械手的坐标型式与自由度的确定    12
    3.1.2  取样机械手臂的总体设计思路    12
    3.2  取样机械手臂摆杆和取样铲的设计    13
    3.2.1  摆杆的设计    13
    3.2.2   取样铲的设计    14
    3.3 撞杆的设计    16
    3.3.1  撞杆的位置设计    16
    3.3.2  撞杆托架的设计    17
    3.4  取样过程中驱动力矩的计算    19
    3.4.1  启动过程中所需要的驱动力矩M1    19
    3.4.2  碰撞过程中所需要的驱动力矩M2    21
    3.4.3  反向启动时所需要的驱动力矩M3    21
    3.5  支承装置(箱体)的设计    23
    3.6  连接件的设计及其强度校核    23
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