    关键词  信道模型  电磁感应  地下通信  无线传感网络
    Title    Magnetic Induction Communications for Wireless Underground Sensor Networks
    In daily life and industrial applications, the commonly used method of communication is the electromagnetic wave communication, but the electromagnetic wave communication does not work in some environments such as groundwater, water, rocks and caves, it will meet many difficulties in these environments because the electromagnetic wave communication channel is not stable, the size of the antenna and the path loss is high.
    In order to solve the problems of underground communication, this paper will study the electromagnetic wave communication technology to replace the traditional electromagnetic induction. Firstly, we will get an understanding of the electromagnetic induction principle of communication and many other application fields, such as Bluetooth, body, and then the electromagnetic induction and then make an compassion between the electromagnetic wave communication and the electromagnetic induction communication.
    On this basis, the project also establish the electromagnetic induction communication system model successfully and the make an analysis of the path loss by calculating the transmitting and receiving power .finally make a simulation of the electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic wave communication by MATLAB at last on the basis of electromagnetic induction we study a new waveguide technology, and established the electromagnetic waveguide model. through qualitative analysis of the influence factors, providing an effective scheme for solving the problem of the traditional electromagnetic wave communication high path loss and propagation distance in theory.
    But there are still some unresolved problems, such as the analysis and Simulation of electromagnetic induction error rate, and the error analysis of defects and electromagnetic induction waveguide technique.
    Keywords:Channel modeling  MI waveguide technique  underground communication   wireless sensor networks
    1    引言    1
    1.1    课题研究目的和意义    1
    1.2    地下无线传感网发展背景    1
    1.2.1    国外透地通信技术研究现状    1
    1.2.2    国内透地通信技术研究现状    3
    1.3    电磁感应与电磁波通信优缺点    4
    1.4    本课题主要研究内容    4
    2    电磁感应通信    6
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