    关键词:拉深成形,起皱,破裂, Dynaform,正交试验
    Title  Finite Element Analysis And The Research of Process of Part Roof Drawing                                      
    The Difficult-forming-joint parts of roof is a typical irregular step-shaped box. The wrinkles especially the rupture phenomenon is likely to happen in the process of stamping because of the serious uneven thickness. The surface forming quality can be improved and the wrinkles and rupture can be controlled by the finite element forming and simulation analysis.
    The main characteristics of the part of roof in drawing were analyzed, and the defects of it were discussed. Firstly, finite element analysis of part of roof was modeled by PRO/E. Then simulation analysis process of drawing was simulated by finite element analysis software Dynaform. The influences of material parameters, blank holder force, punch speed, friction coefficient and die parameters of part were discussed. Finally, the optimal scheme is obtained by orthogonal test, A feasible option is provided for the real part of the design and production.
    Keywords:drawing processing, wrinkles ,rupture,Dynaform,orthogonal test
    目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  选题的目的与意义    1
    1.2  难成形接零件顶板的冲压成形研究现状    1
    1.3  主要研究内容及目标    3
    1.4  论文的组织结构    4
    2 零件顶板拉深成形工艺理论分析    5
    2.1  难成形零件顶板拉深成形的特点    5
    2.2  零件顶板拉深成形中的主要缺陷    6
    2.3  影响零件顶板成形的主要因素    7
    2.4  解决零件顶板成形缺陷的措施    8
    2.5  本章小结    8
    3  零件顶板拉深成形有限元模型的建立    9
    3.1  基于Dynaform的零件顶板的冲压成形模拟的流程    9
    3.2  零件顶板建模及成形仿真    10
    3.4  顶板拉深成形试验安排    17
    3.5  本章小结    18
    4  零件顶板拉深成形的模拟分析    19
    4.1  压边圈方式对成形的影响    19
    4.2  板料参数对顶板拉深成形的影响    20
    4.3  凹模冲压速度对成形的影响    23
    4.4  摩擦系数对成形的影响    25
    4.5  压边力对成形的影响    27
    4.6  凹模圆角半径对成形的影响    31
    4.7  本章小结    33
    5  零件顶板拉深成形的优化方案    35
    5.1  正交试验设计方案    35
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