    关键词  轻型火炮  发射动力学  多体系统  ADAMS
    Title    Launching Dynamics Analysis of Light Guns
    In this paper, a light gun system being developed is researched. The gun dynamics simulation and multi-rigid-body launch dynamics analysis are carried on, providing reference and basis for such weapons on overall design and structure design.
    This paper uses the UG software to build a geometric model of the gun system. It simply introduces the classic gun dynamics research and establishes dynamic mathematical models .It makes a preliminary exposition of the basic theory of the artillery of multi-body dynamics and gives a brief introduction to the modeling theory of multi-body dynamics. Import the geometry model into ADAMS software, and carry on the launch dynamics simulation analysis. According to the results of kinetic analysis to verify the performance of the emission dynamics of the artillery systems.
    This research has provided the guarantee to speed up the design of such lighting artillery, to enhance the accuracy and success rate of the design and to make the physics prototype satisfy the establish requirements. At the same time, it has also provided the effective method to reduce the cycle time and the expense of design and manufacture.
    Keywords  Light guns  Launch Dynamics Analysis  Multi-body System     ADAMS
     目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景和意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  论文主要研究内容    3
    2  火炮系统三文实体模型的建立    5
    2.1  UG NX简介    5
    2.2  全炮的三文几何模型    6
    2.3  本章小结    7
    3  经典的火炮动力学    8
    3.1  经典的火炮运动微分方程    8
    3.2  火炮主要部件的受力分析    11
    3.3  本章小结    14
    4  火炮多刚体系统动力学分析    15
    4.1  全炮多刚体系统动力学建模理论    15
    4.2  多刚体系统动力学基础    16
    4.3  火炮多体系统动力学建模    23
    4.4  本章小结    26
    5  基于ADAMS的火炮发射动力学仿真分析    27
    5.1  ADAMS软件简介    27
    5.2  基于ADAMS软件的动力学建模技术    28
    5.3  发射动力学仿真及结果分析    30
    5.4  本章小结    38
    结  论    39
    致  谢    41
    参 考 文 献    42
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景和意义
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