    关键词:    图像分割,K-均值聚类法,彩色图像,欧氏距离,Hough变换,4413
    The design process of color image segmentation
    Abstract: Image segmentation, purposed on dividing image into some meaningful or interesting areas, is an important and basic technology in image processing and pattern recognition . Corresponding to these areas and targets in reality, models can be formatted and used in contrasting and testing in the practical application later. This subject is to discuss the structure of BMP color images, and design the BMP image classes. In BMP image segmentation, k-means clustering segmentation algorithm and the Hough transform algorithm are used; Meanwhile the principle and algorithm of image segmentation are analyzed, Hough is one of the basic methods in the geometry recognition of the image processing , K - average clustering method can divide an image into K areas. C # language is used to run the program , which will firstly imports the image pixels, then achieves different types of pixel sequence. With the algorithm of calculation, new pixel reorganization finally after processed. In the experiment, the k-means clustering algorithm and Hough algorithm are adopted and reached the expected effect.
    Keywords:    Segmentation, K- means clustering method, color image, Euclidean distance, Hough transform
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    数字图像处理概述    1
    1.1    图像技术概述    1
    1.1.1    图像技术    1
    1.1.2    彩色图像    3
    1.2    C#图像处理基础    3
    1.2.1    Bmp图像结构    3
    1.2.2    C#语言概述    7
    2    彩色图像分割处理原理及算法    9
    2.1    图像分割概述    9
    2.2    图像的分割原理    11
    2.2.1    灰度图像的K-均值聚类法原理    11
    2.2.2    彩色图像的K-均值聚类法原理    12
    2.2.3    Hough变换原理    13
    3    彩色图像分割处理的程序设计    14
    3.1    K-均值聚类    14
    3.2    HOUGH变换    16
    4    彩色图像的分割处理    18
    4.1    图像分割评价标准    18
    4.2    彩色图像的分割程序处理    19
    4.2.1    彩色图像K-均值聚类分割    20
    4.2.2    Hough变换    24
    5    总结    29
    5.1    小结    29
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