






    Ammonia (230 thousand tons annually) carbon monoxide transform process design section

    Abstract: Ammonia is the most important one of basic chemical products, plays an important role in the national economy. Ammonia production after years of development, now has developed into a mature chemical production processes[20]. 

        The design is based on annual output of 230,000 tons of natural gas as raw material, the design of synthetic ammonia transformation process. In recent years, the large-scale industrial development soon ammonia, low energy consumption, the clean production of synthetic ammonia equipment development are the main direction of technical improvement, is to develop better performance of catalyst, reducing ammonia synthesis pressure, the development of new materials gas purification methods, reduce fuel consumption, low heat recovery and reasonable utilization, etc. 

        The design process used in brief are: compressed natural gas after desulfurization and conversion into a furnace, the methane and hydrocarbons into hydrogen, through the Secondary reformer further transformed into the highly variable furnace heat exchanger, the great catalyst part of the reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and carbon dioxide vapor, then through the low-temperature shift to reduce to an acceptable level of carbon monoxide to methanation process[21]. 

        The design review described some of the major domestic and international situation and the development of synthetic ammonia industry trends and technological process, parameter identification and selection, discusses the plant's location; introduced the transformation process of the various processes and determine the design of high temperature shift and low temperature Transformation series of the process. Calculation of some of the major transformation process, including segment and transform section material balance, heat balance, equilibrium temperature and airspeed calculation. Calculation of some of the major equipment is a high temperature shift catalyst of specific terms[23], and according to the design task to do the conversion and transformation process flow chart with control points. 

        Advantage of this design is to choose a better site and raw materials line to determine the good conditions, reasonable catalyst and energy utilization. In addition, investment in equipment designed to minimize costs.

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