
    摘 要:依据团队设计的草酸酯法年产50万吨乙二醇工艺,对工厂进行厂址选择与及经济分析。厂址选择综合考虑项目中原料、水源、资源、土地供应、交通运输以及环境保护等因素,将厂区定在鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗棋盘井镇。经济分析结果表明:本项目总成本21.8亿元,年利润13.2亿元,净现值45亿元,内部收益率43%,投资回收期为3.5年,项目在经济上具有可行性。69559


    Abstract: Based on the process of ethylene glycol by oxalate method with an annual output of 500,000 tons, the factory site was selected and its economy was analysed. The effects of raw materials, water resource, land supply, transportation and the environment factors were considered in the site selection, and the factory site was determined to locate in Qipanjing town, Otog banner, Ordos City. The results of  economic analysis show that the total cost of the project is 2.18 billion yuan, the annual profit is 1.32 billion yuan, the net present value is 4.5 billion yuan, the internal rate of return is 43%, the investment recovery period is 3.5 years, and its economy of the project is feasible.

    Keywords: ethylene glycol, oxalate method , site selection, economic analysis

    目  录

    1  前言 3

    1.1  乙二醇生产厂址选择意义与基本要求 3

    1.2  乙二醇生产经济分析目的 4

    2  乙二醇生产厂址选择分析及评价 4

    2.1  厂址选择 4

    2.1.1  厂区概况 5

    2.1.2  地理位置优势 7

    2.1.3  交通运输优势 7

    2.1.4  自然条件优势 7

    2.1.5  政策优惠优势 8

    2.1.6  产业基础优势 9

    2.1.7  公用工程优势 10

    2.2  工厂布置 11

    2.2.1  相关规范及法规 11

    2.2.2  总平面布置原则 12

    2.2.3  厂区结构 14

    2.3  厂区绿化 16

    2.4  厂区总经济指标 16

    3  乙二醇生产装置经济分析及评价 18

    3.1  生产总成本估算及成本构成明细 18

    3.1.1  成本估算依据 18

    3.1.2  总成本构成与明细 18

    3.1.3  总成本估算 21

    3.2  销售收入及税金计算 22

    3.2.1  销售收入估算 22

    3.2.2  税金估算 22

    3.3  财务分析 23

    3.3.1  损益及利润分配估算表 23

    3.3.2  现金流量表 24

    3.4  经济评价 24

    3.4.1  经济技术指标 24

    3.4.2  静态分析 25

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