
    摘要:通过研究人工水平潜流湿地中菖蒲对不同盐浓度废水中Na+的吸收情况以及对菖蒲生长的荧光特性的影响实验,研究了在NaCl浓度为0, 50,100,200,300,400,500mg/L 7个不同盐浓度梯度的含Na+废水中菖蒲的叶绿素含量、荧光特性、Na+的吸收变化情况,从而确定含盐废水对菖蒲生长的影响;研究了五到六周废水中Na+浓度的变化情况以及实验结束后,剩余水量中的Na+含量,从而得到菖蒲对含盐废水中Na+  的吸收情况。结果显示,低浓度含盐废水(Na+的浓度小于200mg/L)时,菖蒲叶绿素含量与对照组几乎没有差异或增多,高浓度含盐废水对菖蒲叶片叶绿素的合成以及荧光率有明显抑制作用;高盐浓度废水会对菖蒲的生长造成致死的影响,但在一定盐浓度范围内对Na+有很强的抗性;菖蒲对Na+有较强的富集吸收能力;水平潜流湿地在对含盐废水的处理中有较为明显效果。61921

    毕业论文关键词: 含盐废水、水平潜流湿地、菖蒲、富集、荧光特性。

    The effect on Iris horizontal subsurface flow wetland fluorescence characteristics for wastewater containing different concentrations of Na+

    Abstract: By Iris horizontal subsurface flow wetlands for wastewater containing high concentration of NaCl Na absorption and fluorescence characteristics of its Iris pseudacorus L. growth experiments, we studied the Na+ concentration 0, 50,100,200,300,400,500mg/L 7 gradient of the wastewater containing Na light intensity Iris pseudacorus L., chlorophyll content, fluorescence characteristics, Na absorption, in order to determine its effect on the Iris pseudacorus L. growth; study some time wastewater Na+ concentration changes in the situation and end of the experiment, Iris pseudacorus L. of Na+ content to give iris wastewater containing Na+ Na enrichment case. The results showed that low concentration wastewater containing Na (Na concentration of less than 500mg / L), the Iris pseudacorus L. chlorophyll content barely changes nor increases; Na wastewater containing high concentrations of chlorophyll synthesis and fluorescence rate Iris pseudacorus L. significantly inhibited; high concentration wastewater containing Na Iris pseudacorus L. tissue causing significant death, but Concentration within a certain range there is a strong resistance to Na; Iris pseudacorus L. have a strong enrichment capacity of Na+; horizontal subsurface flow wetland on treatment of wastewater containing Na have a demonstrable effect.

    Keywords:Na-containing wastewater, Horizontal subsurface flow wetland, Iris pseudacorus L., enrichment, fluorescence characteristics 

    目  录

    1 前言 1

     1.1 我国水体氮、磷污染情况 1

     1.2 人工水平潜流湿地的优点及应用 2

     1.3 菖蒲的生长特性及栽植价值 2

     1.4 国内外相关研究进展 3

     1.5 选题目的与意义 4

    2 内容与方法 5

     2.1 实验内容

     2.2 研究材料 5

     2.3 实验方案 6

      2.3.1 实验方案 6

      2.3.2 实验过程具体方法 6

      2.3.3 菖蒲样品Na+的检测 6

    3 结果与分析 7

     3.1 含盐废水对菖蒲生长的影响 7

     3.2 水生菖蒲对含盐废水中Na+的富集

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