
    摘要:本文通过原位-沉积法与浸渍蒸发法,以凹凸棒土为基体,在70℃下分别制备了一系列FexOy复合氧化物(浓度均为0.04mol/L  Fe3+:Fe2+  物质的量比r =n Fe3+:n Fe2+ =5:3;9:7;1:1;7:9;3:5)包覆凹凸棒土的光催化剂(产物标记为ATT-FexOy)。采用XRD,SEM,BET,UV-vis、磁强计等分析手段对产物进行了表征,研究表明通过浸渍蒸发法制备的的ATT -FexOy包覆效果好、比表面大。以可见光光催化降解甲基橙为探针,研究了凹凸棒土改性前后的光催化性能,考察了FexOy包覆配比对其光催化性能的影响。结果表明:经过浸渍蒸发法制备的氧化物包覆改性后,凹凸棒土的光催化性能得到明显提高,而且FexOy复合氧化物的包覆配比不同,ATT-FexOy光催化性能不同;当r=7:9时,浸渍蒸发法制备的复合材料的光催化效果最佳,光降解3h后,甲基橙的降解率达到67.7% 。60534


    Abstract: In this article, we took the attapulgite as a substrate and fabricated a series of FexOy(n=0.04mol/L r =n Fe3+:n Fe2+ =5:3;9:7;1:1;7:9;3:5 )composites coating on it by in-situ deposite and dipping evaporation technique. The obtained products were marked as ATT- FexOy and were characterized by XRD, SEM, BET, UV-vis, magnetometer and so on. Results showed that the surface morphology of the original attapulgite was effectively reformed and the specific surface area was successfully improved by dipping evaporation technique. Visible light photodecomposition of methyl orange was used as the model system to investigate the photocatalic activity before and after coating modification and the effect of  r=n Fe3+/n Fe2+ ratio was also studied. It was found that the photoactivity of Attapulgite was obviously improved after coating modification. The best photocatalyst of ATT -FexOy was obtained when the r was adjusted to 7:9 by dipping evaporation technique .Their decomposition rates of methyl orange were achieved to 67.7% respectively. 

    Keyword: FexOy , Visible light photodecomposition, Attapulgite, Coating, In-situ deposite , Dipping evaporation

    1  引言 1

    2  实验内容 2

    2.1  试剂和仪器 2

    2.2  复合光催化剂的制备 2

    2.2.1  ATT悬浊液的制备 2

    2.2.2  FexOy光催化剂制备 2

    2.2.3  ATT -FexOy光催化剂制备 2

    2.3  材料表征 3

    2.4  材料的光催化性能 3

    3  结果与讨论 3

    3.1  催化剂的表征 3

    3.1.1  凹土的XRD结果分析 3

    3.1.2  不同配比FexOy  和FexOy包覆凹凸棒土后XRD结果分析 4

    3.1.3  凹凸棒土包覆改性前后的电镜照片 6

    3.1.4  ATT -FexOy磁性 7

    3.1.5  比表面 8

    3.1.6  UV-vis 9

    3.2  催化剂的催化性能研究 10

    3.2.1  不同方法不同配比FexOy 与ATT -FexOy 的光催化效果比较 10

    3.2.2  浸渍蒸发法不同比例ATT -FexOy对甲基橙降解率的直观图 12

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