
    摘要:本文主要研究比较了SEPPIC公司与其他公司的聚合物所制备的亲水凝胶的流变特性,包括了流体类型,触变循环曲线,粘弹性和屈服应力的方面。以及温度、pH值和离子对亲水凝胶的影响。从结果来看SEPPIC公司的样品在触变性上并没有优于其他公司的样品,而粘弹性方面SEPPIC公司的样品比其他公司的样品更容易表现出流体的粘性。屈服应力值方面,SEPPIC公司的样品较为居中,而最大和最小的屈服应力值都为其他公司的样品。受温度影响较明显的是SEPPIC公司的CAPIGEL 98,而其他样品的粘度受温度影响较小。受pH影响的方面所有样品都有较显著的变化。而在耐离子性方面SEPPIC公司的SEPIMAX ZEN表现出了最优的耐离子性能。48321


    Analysis of rheological properties of several kinds of hydrophilic gels

    Abstract:This paper mainly studied and prepared the rheological properties of SEPPIC company and other companies hydrophilic polymers, including the type of fluid circulation, thixotropic curve, visco elasticity and yield stress. And the effect of temperature, pH and ion on the hydrophilic gel. From the results we can see that SEPPIC's sample in thixotropy and there is no better than the other company's sample, and the viscoelastic SEPPIC samples more easily than other company's sample shows the fluid viscosity. The yield stress value, SEPPIC samples is centered, the maximum and minimum yield stress values for other companies. Affected by temperature obviously samples is the CAPIGEL 98 from SEPPIC, while the other sample viscosity was little affected by temperature. PH affected all samples have significant changes. And SEPIMAX ZEN showed the best resistance to ion performance.

    Key words: polymer; hydrophilic gel; rheological properties


    1.绪论 1

    1.1流体的流变特性概述 1

    1.1. 1流体的种类与特性 1

    1.2流体的流动性测试方法 2

    1.2.1屈服值 2

    1.2.2粘弹性 3

    1.2.3振荡实验 3

    1.2.4触变性 5

    1.3亲水凝胶的流变性 8

    1.3.1亲水凝胶的种类 8

    1.3.2 研究亲水凝胶流变特性的意义 8

    1.3.3亲水凝胶流变特性的研究现状 9

    1.4本课题研究的主要内容 9

    2. 实验材料与方法 11

    2.1实验材料与设备 11

    2.1.1原料与试剂 11

    2.1.2主要仪器设备 11

    2.2实验方法 12

    2.2.1样品预处理 12

    2.2.2流变性测试 12

    2.3实验结果 13

    2.3.1凝胶的流动曲线和粘度曲线 14

    2.3.2触变循环曲线及面积 15

    2.3.3线性粘弹区的测定 22

    2.3.4频率扫描 22

    2.3.5 屈服应力值的测定 27

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