

    本实验采用的凝胶-微波合成法是近年来迅速发展的新技术,该方法利用微波辐射代替传统的加热。该方法升温速度快,是一种快速高效、省电节能和对环境污染少的绿色合成法。实验需要先合成吸收微波用的吸收介质,我们选择了溶胶-凝胶自蔓延燃烧法制备我们所需的磁粉SrFe12O19,然后采用凝胶-微波合成法在微波炉内合成SrA1204: Eu2+, Dy3+。文中讨论了合成凝胶时添加剂,合成温度,PH值,微波加热功率及微波照射时间对产物的影响,可知其适宜合成条件为:添加剂乙二醇,PH值5,微波功率高火,微波时间20min。

    毕业论文关键词  长余辉;  稀土;  磁粉;  凝胶-微波合成法


    Title    The  preparation  of  long  afterglow  phosphors  doped   with  rare  earths                                                  

    Abstract Long afterglow material is a substance which is capable of storing energy, people had paid attention on it for a long time because of it's special luminescent properties. The strontium aluminate long afterglow luminescent material activated by europium and dysprosium will show a persistent luminescence emission in the dark after the irradiation of ultraviolet or visible light for a short time, it is a energy saving, efficient, stable, and environmentally friendly long afterglow material. Since it's luminescent properties is excellent, the long afterglow material has wide range of applications and we have the reason to do farther research on it. In this experiment, we will adopt the Gel - Microwave synthesis Method which is developing rapidly in recent years. Microwave radiation is used to instead the traditional method of heating. By experimenting in this way, we can heat up more quickly .In this research, we need to synthesize the microwave absorbing medium first, and we choose Sol-gel Self-propagating combustion method to prepare magnetic SrFe12O19 we need. Then we synthesize SrA1204: Eu2+, Dy3+ according Gel - Microwave Synthesis Method in the microwave. This paper describes how the additive, Synthesis temperature, PH value microwave power and microwave irradiation time affect product. According to the experiment result, we know that the suitable synthesis condition: the additive should be glycol, the PH value should be 5, the microwave power should be high power, the microwave irradiation time should be 20 mins.

    Keywords:  Long- afterglow;  Rare earths;  Magnetic;  Gel - Microwave synthesis

    1  引言 1

    1.1  长余辉材料的发光机理 1

    1.2  长余辉发光材料的研究进展 2

    1.3  长余辉发光材料的制备方法 4

    1.4  长余辉发光材料的应用 6

    2  实验方案与研究方法 8

    2.1  实验原料的选取 8

    2.2  实验所用仪器 9

    2.3  制备铁氧体磁粉实验步骤

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