       Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, it is one of the most commonly used drugs for the heat, pain, and colds. With the development of modern technology, the production process of anti-inflammatory drugs are constantly improving.There are many synthetic methods of acetaminophen, acetaminophen can be prepared according to the method of producing PAP and APAP whether it’s independent pided into one-step and two-step method, but there are some problems such as, complex process, low yield, high energy consumption and high cost. This design involves a kind of synthesis of acetaminophen, especially involving the process method of using the nitro phenol as a starting material, synthesis of acetaminophen(APAP) by palladium/carbon hydrogenation and acetylation. The production solutions are as follows: we use the nitro phenol as raw materials, supported palladium/carbon catalyst with hydrogen catalytic to synthesis of paracetamol, using acetic anhydride to acylated to prepare APAP. Compared with prior art, it’s a higher selectivity for PAP, simplifying the existing production process, increase yields, reducing energy consumption, saving costs and reducing waste generation.
    Keywords: acetaminophen; p-aminophenol; acetaminophen;Process Design窗体底端
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    第一章  课题背景    1
     1.1  课题来源    1
     1.2  研究背景及意义    1
    第二章  文献综述    2
     2.1  引言    2
     2.2  生产工艺路线比较    2
      2.2.1  以苯酚为原料合成扑热息痛    2
      2.2.2  以硝基苯为原料的合成路线    3
      2.2.3  以对硝基苯酚钠为原料的路线    5
      2.2.4  其他合成路线    5
      2.2.5  本设计采用的合成路线    5
     2.3  生产规模的确定    6
    第三章  产品方案    7
     3.1  产品名称与性质    7
     3.2  性状及理化性质    7
     3.3  产品的质量规格    7
     3.4  产品的生产制度    7
     3.5  包装与储藏    7
    第四章  生产方法与主要工艺流程    8
     4.1  生产方法    8
     4.2  主要工艺流程    8
     4.3  工艺过程说明    8
      4.3.1  PAP的制备    8
      4.3.2  APAP的初制    9
      4.3.3  APAP的精制    9
    第五章  生产工艺控制和中间体质量标准    10
     5.1  生产工艺控制    10
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