
    To fully understand the situation of the whole enterprise, established nine criteria layer, aiming at each level is pided into several indicators layer, according to the experts to analyze, and then to standardize the judgment matrix, obtained by adding and vector, so as to obtain the weight, calculations of normalization to obtain the maximum eigenvalue, and verify the consistency, <0.1 consistency, so as to determine the weight. Then ask ten experts to conduct security level for each part are listed in the score, is pided into "good", "good", "general", "poor" and "poor" five grades, each item can only choose a security level, comprehensive views of the ten experts, list the the proportion score. According to the final evaluation of the formula to calculate the matrix, to determine the safety of the whole system according to the score of the chemical enterprises. The final conclusion for the safety status of the enterprise is good, still in the controllable range, the work safety are in accordance with the laws and regulations arrangement, deficiencies also needs to strengthen.
    Based on the identification and evaluation, not only can confirm that each part of enterprise risk exists, but also the whole and segment combination, step by step to obtain safety results. According to the overall situation of the enterprise, is recommended for the part, reasonable selection and control, eliminate the accident measures. For the safety of personnel education and training that the most fundamental, enterprises must pay attention to and implement, on this basis for the safe operation of the equipment, the emergency treatment have been security, finally, in the aspect of safety management and put forward eight requirements. At the same time also formulated for all kinds of safety evaluation system is presented in a clear direction for the specific work of the chemical enterprise. On the whole, the safety management of the enterprise can be strengthened and improved, and the work in the future to reflect its value. When everyone in the enterprise can realize the importance of safety, to protect themselves to protect others do their work, the compliance with the regulations are the implementation of one one, so it can reduce the probability of accidents, safety grade of the enterprise also can rise.
    Keywords: Safety assessment;Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; Dangerous and hazardous factors; Major hazard source
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题依据和目的    1
    1.2 文献综述    2
      1.2.1 国外安全评价的发展    2
    1.2.2 国内安全评价的发展    2
    1.2.3 模糊综合评价法的发展    3
    1.3 本文研究的主要内容及思路    4
    2 危险有害因素辨识5
      2.1 企业概况5
        2.1.1 主要产品介绍7
        2.1.2 生产工艺...7
      2.2 危险、有害因素辨识9
        2.2.1 生产运行中的危险、有害因素辨识与分析..9
        2.2.2 物料危险、有害辨识..13
      2.3 重大危险源辨识.14
      2.4 评价单元的划分.15
    3 安全评价方法.16
      3.1 模糊综合评价16
      3.2 模糊综合评价的优缺点....18
      3.3 层次分析法....18
    4 模糊综合评价模型的建立.21
      4.1 建立因素集...21
      4.2 安全模糊评价....22
    5 对策措施....30
      5.1 评价结果分析....30
        5.1.1 分数低的因素分析....30
        5.1.2 权重大的因素分析....30
      5.2 建议与措施...31
        5.2.1 生产工艺31
        5.2.2 设备装置32
        5.2.3 安全设施32
        5.2.4 安全管理33
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