

    毕业论文关键词  行政法  诚信原则   行政主体  行政相对人

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Research of the Administrative Principle of Good  Faith                                                


    The principle of good faith was first applied to the field of administrative law, with the development of the society and the growing popularity of the rule of law concept, it expands to the field of administrative law and gradually get confirmation and absorption. Administrative law principle of good faith requires the government discloses the information, subject of administrative abide by the good faith ,protects the reliance interests of administrative counterpart, and also demands the interests acquired by the administrative behavior of administrative counterpart is reasonable and rightful while worthy of protection.The principle of good faith have what position in administrative law, basic principle or general principle, was also a remarkable and controversial topic.The principle of good faith is widely used in the specific administrative act and the abstract administrative action, and other administrative activities.From the point of obstacles in the application of Administrative law principle of good faith in our country, to solve this problem need the cultivation of honesty culture concept,the improvement of the government information disclosure system, and the restrain of supervision mechanism. 

    Keywords   administrative law   principle of good faith   subject of administrative  administrative counterpart

     目   次

      1  引言 1

    2  行政法诚信原则概述 1

    2.1 行政法诚信原则的内涵分析 1

    2.2 诚信原则适用于行政法的理论依据 3

    2.3 行政法诚信原则的定位 4

    2.4行政法诚信原则的意义 7

    3  行政法诚信原则的具体适用  8

    3.1行政法诚信原则在抽象行政行为中的适用 8


    3.3行政法诚信原则在其它行政活动中的适用 9

    4  我国行政法诚信原则适用的障碍及完善的途径10


    4.2我国行政法诚信原则完善的途径 12

    结论  16

    致谢  17

    参考文献 18

    1  引言


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