



    Title:  Study on Preparation of Sintered Brick of Iron Ore Tailings.                                                                        


    The article introduces the dangers of iron ore tailings, and the basic situation of its comprehensive utilization and the problems existing. The production process of preparation of iron ore tailings sintered brick is studied. The total analysis and XRD diffraction analysis are carried on to determine its main contents. Through the analysis of the iron ore tailings, the program of molding and sintering are determined. And the shrinkage, water absorption , bulk density, compressive strength and other performance indexes of the specimens which have different ratios under different sintering temperatures have been studied and analyzed. The internal microstructure of sintered brick is analyzed by XRD and SEM methods. The results show that the clay can be replaced by iron ore tailings in sintered brick. The strength of sintered brick greatly influenced by the firing system. Sintering at 1050 ℃ nearby, fired brick compressive strength has improved significantly.

    Keywords: Iron ore tailings;Clay;Sintered brick;XRD;SEM;Firing shrinkage;Water absorption;Bulk density;Compressive strength.


    1  引言 1

    1.1  铁尾矿简介 2

    1.1.1  铁尾矿的来源、成分及种类 2

    1.1.2  铁尾矿的危害[6] 4

    1.1.3  铁尾矿利用经济分析 5

    1.1.4  铁尾矿的利用 5

    1.1.5  铁尾矿资源开发利用过程中存在的问题 7

    2  铁尾矿、粘土分析实验 8

    2.1  铁尾矿、粘土的成分全分析 8

    2.1.1  SiO2的测定 8

    2.1.2  Fe2O3的测定 9

    2.1.3  Al2O3的测定 9

    2.1.4  CaO的测定 10

    2.1.5  MgO的测定 10

    2.1.6  全分析结果及结论 10

    2.2  铁尾矿的XRD分析 12

    2.3  铁尾矿、粘土的塑性性能测定 12

    2.3.1  塑限、液限、塑性指数、液性指数 12

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