


    毕业论文关键词  超疏水 透明  SiO2薄膜  提拉法  


    Title    Study and preparation of transparent SiO2 nano super  Hydrophobic coating                                                  


    In the past few years, surfaces with water contact angle larger than 150° have received a lot of research attention, water can easily be rolled off this surface and take away the pollutants, due to their important applications ranging from self-cleaning materials to microfluidic devices and biological materials. Up to now, artificial superhydrophobic surfaces have been fabricated by tailoring micro-structure of surface. 

    In this paper , we used the mixture of TEOS, EtOH and H2O as a precursor, NH4OH (13.8M)as a catalyst to obtain silica films through dip-coating method. Different modifier were used to obtain superhysdrophobic films. At the same time, further analysis of the factors affecting the film transmittance was done, and the humidity test was carried out to study the resistance of the films against the humidity and the temperature. The superhydrophobic films were prepared with an static contact angle of 151° and  sliding angle of 3 °, the transmittance in the visible range is above 90%. After humidity test for 30 days, the contact angle of the deposited films decreased slightly, which showed that it has good resistance to temperature and humidity and the wide application in the future.

    Keywords superhydrophobic transmittance silica film dip-coating 


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  超疏水表面的基本理论 2

    1.2.1  静态接触角 2

    1.2.2  Wenzel模型 3

    1.2.3  Cassie模型 3

    1.2.4  Wenzel模型和Cassie模型之间的关系 4

    1.2.5  接触角滞后和滚动角 4

    1.3  超疏水表面制备方法 6

    1.3.1  模板印刷法 6

    1.3.2  溶胶凝胶法 6

    1.3.3  蒸汽诱导相分离法 7

    1.3.4  模板挤压法 7

    1.3.5  激光和等离子体刻蚀法 8

    1.3.6  腐蚀法 8

    1.3.7  电纺法

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