


    毕业论文关键词: 热电性能;钴基氧化物;自旋熵。


    Title  Study of the effects of Gd doping on the spin entropy

             in the thermoelectric material of Ca3Co4O9                                                 


    Recently, people pay more attention to Ca3Co4O9+δ based thermoelectric oxides due to their thermal stability, anti-oxidation and pollution-free. It is considered that the spin entropy plays an important role in enhancing the thermopower in cobalt oxides and is the source for the observed large thermopower. In this dissertation,we devote our attention to Ca3Co4O9+δ. We study the doping effects of Gd on the spin entropy of Ca3Co4O9+δ by magnetothermopower and study on the regulation and control of spin entropy.

    A series of Ca3-xGdxCo4O9+δ has been prepared by sol-gel method. Magnetothermopower is found the magnetic-field can suppress the thermoelectric potential and the suppressing effect increases up on Gd doping, revealing that Gd doping can improve the spin entropy of Ca3Co4O9+δ. By the result of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), we can determine the decrease of Co4+ concentration induced by Gd doping. These results suggest us that we can improve the spin entropy by suppressing Co4+ concentration in cobalt oxides.

    Keywords:Thermoelectric properties;Cobalt oxide;Spin entropy.

    目   次

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  热电效应 1

    1.2.1  Seebeck效应 2

    1.2.2  Peltier效应 3

    1.2.3  Thomson效应 4

    1.2.4  热电效应的应用 4

    1.3  热电材料的发展 6

    1.3.1  Ca3Co4O9+体系热电材料 7

    1.3.2  热电材料自旋熵的研究现状 8

    1.4 本课题的研究目的和意义 9

    第二章  实验方法 10

    2.1  溶胶-凝胶法制备材料 10

    2.2  X射线衍射分析 10

    2.3  热电势测量 10

    2.4  自旋熵作用的研究 10

    2.5  X射线吸收谱分析 11

    第三章  Gd掺杂对Ca3Co4O9+δ的热电性能及自旋熵的影响

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