

    毕业论文关键词: 镁合金;织构;弯曲轧制; 异步轧制 ;力学性能

    Effect of texture on mechanical properties of magnesium alloy


    In order to improve the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys, the current work is mainly focused on the study of texture, grain size effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties of the aspects of the law. However, since the magnesium alloy texture and grain size are closely related, with the evolution of textures complexity. By bending a rolling mill combination peaceful way of processing and asynchronous rolling different rolling process successfully prepared texture and strength of the different types of fine-grained magnesium alloy samples, and then select two asynchronous rolled annealed samples obtained wide grain size distribution of the two series of samples, each sample texture series before and after the annealing remained unchanged, thus eventually grain size and texture of these two factors affect the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys separated Come. Observed by optical, mechanical characterization, pole figures and orientation distribution function testing and other means to analyze the evolution of different rolling process under the organization's performance, focusing on the effects of texture types and quantity of magnesium alloy. The results showed that different texture types and quantities of magnesium alloy between its tensile yield strength and grain size are in line with a certain relationship.

    Keywords: magnesium alloy;texture;alternating bending rolling; asymmetric s rolling; mechanical properties


    第1章 绪论 1

     1.1 前言 1

     1.2 镁合金的塑性变形模式 1

      1.2.1 镁合金的滑移 1

      1.2.2 镁合金的孪生 2

     1.3 镁合金的织构类型 4

     1.4织构对镁合金力学性能的影响 6

     1.5影响镁合金织构的因素 7

     1.6镁合金织构控制 8

      1.6.1 镁合金塑性成型类型对织构的影响 8

      1.6.2 稀土元素合金化与镁合金织构随机化 9

     1.7 织构的表示方法 9

     1.8课题研究内容 12

    第2章 实验材料及方案 13

     2.1实验材料 13

     2.2 实验方案 14

      2.2.1 弯曲轧制实验

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