



    毕业论文关键词:钛合金; 梯度纳米结构;剧烈塑形变形; 制备加工

    Effect of gradient grain structure on elongation rate of titanium alloy sheet

    Abstract:Titanium and titanium alloy has excellent mechanical properties,mainly used in aerospace, automobile manufacturing and other industries.But due to its processing difficulties,it can not be a large number of industrial applications.Titanium and titanium alloy on the gradient structure can not only improve the material of comprehensive performance, expand the scope of use of materials,but also the gradient structure of low cost titanium alloy processing improve the comprehensive performance in order to meet or exceed the performance of the high cost of materials.

    The industrial pure titanium TA2 are expected to gain grain gradient structure through bending roll and asynchronous rolling.To study bending roll and rolling of industrial pure titanium TA2 extension rate, the experiment of repeated bending and rolling and rolling of flat rolling were carried out on the four roll rolling mill.In order to study the influence of the rolling direction and the rolling process on the elongation of industrial pure titanium TA2,asynchronous rolling with different rolling directions was carried out on the four roll mill.And in different processes, one of the samples was 680℃×1h recrystallization annealing heat treatment, and finally to all of the samples for the analysis of the microstructure.

    The results of tensile test and microstructure analysis show that the plastic properties of the double symmetric gradient structure, the upper and lower surface of the thin crystal and the internal coarse grain, are effectively improved after 14 times of repeated bending.Elongation rate reached 54.2%, compared to the original sample increased by about 16%.The size distribution of grain size distribution was more uniform, and the elongation of the specimen reached 54.8% after 12 pass rolling and flat rolling.The heat treatment of 680℃×1h can eliminate the twin and internal stress. At the same time, the elongation reached 54.2% and is increased by about 21% compared to the original sample.n the asynchronous rolling, there is no gradient grain layer,  the deformation of the grain is serious,the plasticity is obviously decreased, and the strength is greatly increased.Asynchronous rolling is a large plastic deformation. If the reduction of each time of deformation is too large, it will affect the gradient grain layer leading to severe deformation of the material grains. Thus, the asynchronous rolling process is supposed to take multiple times, less pressure in the rolling process as far as possible, so that the plastic deformation occurs in the material surface. And with the increase of the surface dislocation density, the surface grain size decreases under the action of external force.

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