


    毕业论文关键词: Ni-Al复合材料;热处理温度;累积复合轧制;金相组织

    Abstract In this paper, the is industrial aluminum and nickel foil, the cumulative rolling process and of the two kinds of metal materials of different composite rolling, and the rolled samples were annealed at different temperature, then observes and studies on the microstructure and properties of Ni-Al composite material has been processed. Experiment through different rolling passes and in the same rolling road time different heat treatment temperatures of the specimens of Vickers microhardness tester for mechanical properties testing; with a microscope observed the microstructure of the composite. The tensile strength tests were conducted with universal material testing machine.

    The experimental results show that the more the number of rolling passes at the same temperature, the more the number of rolling passes, the hardness of Ni-Al composite plate is larger, and the hardness decreases after annealing. The hardness of the material, the higher the annealing temperature, the lower the hardness gradually decreased. The more rolling pass, the higher the tensile strength of the material, and on the contrary after annealing, the more rolling passes, the tensile strength of the material becomes worse.

    Keywords: Ni-Al composite; heat treatment temperature; Cumulative composite rolling; Metallographic structure

    摘 要 1

    Abstract 2

    目  录 3

    1. 绪论 4

       1.1. 复合板材 4

    1.1.1. 复合板材的概述 4

    1.1.2. 复合板材的发展现状 5

    1.1.3. 复合板材的分类 6

    1.2.复合轧制 6

    1.2.1. 常用双金属复合材料复合方法 6

    1.2.2. 复合轧制的基本条件 7

    1.2.3. 累积复合轧制技术 7

    1.3. 本论文研究内容和研究意义 9

    2. 实验材料与方案 10

    2.1. 实验材料 10

    2.2. 热处理制度 11

    2.3. 显微组织样品的制备 12

    2.4. 力学性能测试方法 13

    3. 实验结果与分析 15

    3.1. 力学性能 15

    3.2. 微观组织 21

    4. 结论 31


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