


    Photocatalytic performance of carbon quantum dots / bismuth phosphate composites 

    Abstract:In recent years,the earth faces difficult to avoid the deterioration of the environment and pollution problems,now with the global pollution become more and more intense, photocatalytic technology in the world of purification is more and more concerned by the people. In order to in-depth study and realize the implementation of this technique in a variety of industries in the practical significance,I will aim to explore the applicability and higher photocatalytic materials,and pay efforts to enhance the photocatalytic efficiency. The preparation for high active carbon quantum dot /BiPO4 composite photocatalytic material which is controlled in structure and morphology as research object,through the combination of BiPO4 and carbon point,the photocatalytic efficiency will be further improved,and to a certain extent, the photocatalytic activity of BiPO4 can be promoted. In addition,this design lucubrate the performance of the composite photocatalytic material system, through different schemes include research ideas, provide a feasible research ideas for the future for people to study carbon quantum point /BiPO4 composite light catalytic performance.

    Key Words:Photocatalysis; composite; carbon quantum dots; BiPO4  


    1 文献综述 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 半导体光催化的基本原理 2

    1.3 光催化剂种类 4

    1.4 影响光催化性能的因素 4

    1.5 光催化技术的研究现状 5

    1.6实验原料简介 5

    1.6.1  磷酸铋简介 5

    1.6.2  碳量子点简介 6

    2 具体实验内容 6

    2.1 实验材料及仪器 6

    2.1.1 实验原材料及用量 6

    2.2.2 实验仪器 8

    2.2 样品制备 11

    2.2.1制备流程 11

    2.3实验流程 11

    2.3.1降解RhB 11

    2.3.2降解苯酚 11

    2.3.3加入牺牲剂的降解 12

    2.3.4模拟可见光降解Rh-B 12

    3结果与讨论 12

    4实验结论 23

    致谢 24


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