

    毕业论文关键词  单壁碳纳米管  分子动力学模拟  势函数  热稳定性


    Title      Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal stability in carbon nanotubes   


    Using molecular dynamics simulations, we simulated and analyzed the change of the structure of the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) in the process of heating. By this means, we decided the thermal stability of carbon nanotubes, which depends on the collapsing temperature. In this essay, we studied the influence of potential function, heating mode, length, chirality and diameter of carbon nanotubes to their thermal stability. Therefore, we adopt two heating modes: persistent overheating and discontinuous heating way, with three potential functions: Tersoff type potential, AIREBO potential and LCBOP potential when simulating 9 types of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Our results show that the carbon nanotubes were more thermal stable when simulating with Tersoff type potential; Secondly, the thermal stability of (5,5) Armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes exceeds that of (9,0) zigzag; Thirdly, diameter has litter impact on the thermal stability. In addition, applying discontinuous  heating mode to simulation indicates a better thermal stability than persistent overheating.

    Keywords  single-walled carbon nanotubes  molecular dynamics simulations  potential function  thermal stability

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  简介 1

    1.2  碳纳米管的结构 2

    1.3  碳纳米管的性能 4

    1.4 本论文主要研究内容 5

    2 分子动力学模拟方法 5

    2.1  简介 5

    2.2  基本原理 5

    3 势函数选取 5

    3.1 Tersoff势函数 6

    3.2 AIREBO势函数 7

    3.3 LCBOP势函数 11

    4  模拟方案与方法 12

    4.1  模拟方案 12

    4.2 模拟方法 13

    5 模拟结果与分析 15

    5.1  模拟结果

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