



    Abstract The dissertation mainly studies the effect of water ratio in secondary cooling on C segregation of cast slab. The production of 82A steel in a domestic steel 150mm2 billet continuous casting machine for material, select the order of 3, 4 and eleventh pouring furnace flow test, continuous casting 1.8m/min, in the package over heat control in the following 30. Eleventh flow off the end of the electromagnetic stirring, test the difference of two cold water, each water distribution ratio, The foot roller segment: one paragraph: two sections: three sections of =26%:41%:21%:12%. Other flow times the 0.5L/Kg of the water, the use of the end of the electromagnetic stirring. It is found that the center segregation of the cast slab is lighter than that of the water content in 0.4L/Kg and 0.5L/Kg, and the value of the carbon segregation is 1.07. And the former effect is slightly better than the latter.

    In addition, the influence of water content on the microstructure was studied by hot acid penetration test. Use is volume fraction of 1:1 hydrochloric acid aqueous solution, it is heated to 70 DEG C, into the specimen after heat for 20 minutes, after the water wiping clean the surface, with a hair dryer and quick drying. Then use the digital camera to take pictures after the loose, shrink hole rating, and through the ratio of the line to calculate the ratio of axial grain. The results show that the difference of the ratio of the cast slab to the center is smaller than that of the center. But the ratio of equal axis crystal line is sensitive to the difference of water quantity. The proportion of equal axis crystal line decreases with the increase of water content.

    Keywords: water ratio in secondary cooling; C segregation; Low power organization;  Equal axial grain rate


    第一章文献综述 1

    1.1连铸坯质量 1

    1.1.1连铸坯的表面质量 1

    1.1.2连铸坯内部质量 4

    1.1.3连铸坯形状缺陷 7

    1.2连铸坯质量要求 8

    1.2.1连铸坯质量外观检验标准 8

    1.2.2表面质量 9

    1.2.3弯曲度 9

    1.2.4边长测量 9

    1.3二冷水对铸坯质量的影响 10

    1.3.1二冷基本原理 10

    1.3.2二冷控制 11

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