



    In this paper, based on the existing proportion of fly ash concrete,designing the ratio of the concrete mixed with anyotner mineral admixture.During the preparation process,testing the slump and slump flow loss.It is found that the smaller the particle size is, the worse the the fluid of concrete will be.Throughing scanning electron microscope to observe the hydration of concrete inside the 28 days,find that the composite mineral filler for concrete made it more dense and higher strength.Compressive strength test of concrete test block which were maintenanced 7 days,28 days and 56 days,comparing the strength of concrete with compound mineral admixture.When mixed with S95 slag, the rate is 35.29% the concrete strength at the highest ,but the growth rate less than others.When doped S115 superfine mineral powder, early strength is large, and the growth rate is negative, and the strength has nothing to do with the replacement ratio.When mixed with steel slag, the strength of concrete with the growth rate increasing substitution ratio and growth, but found it late strength of 100MPa strength Extreme.

    Key Words:concrete;blending material;mechanical property

    目  录

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 混凝土 1

    1.1.1 混凝土的历史 1

    1.1.2 高性能混凝土 1

    1.2 掺合料 2

    1.2.1粉煤灰 2

    1.2.2 钢渣粉 3

    1.2.3矿粉 3

    1.3 粉煤灰混凝土的现状 4

    1.4 本论文的研究思路 4

    1.4.1 本文的目的和意义 4

    1.4.2 本文研究的内容 5

    2. 实验部分 6

    2.1 实验原料及仪器设备 6

    2.2 混凝土配合比设计 8

    2.2.1 混凝土配比设计原则 8

    2.2.2 不同强度混凝土配合比设计 9

    2.2.3 不同外掺料混凝土配合比设计 9

    2.3 混凝土试块的制备 10

    2.4 混凝土试块养护 11

    2.5 混凝土力学性能测试 11

    2.5.1 混凝土力学性能测试原理 11

    2.5.2 立方体抗压强度试验结果计算及确定 12

    2.5.3 全自动压力机的使用 12

    2.6 混凝土扫描电镜(SEM)测试

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