


    毕业论文关键词: 乳化剂  微胶囊  相变材料

    Effect of the Amount of Emulsifier on the Phase Change Materials of Micro Capsules

    Abstract: All of emulsifier molecules containing hydrophilic and lipophilic two functional groups, hydrophilic group to attract water and lipophilic group can surrounded by oil. Therefore, the addition of emulsifier in oil water system, water and oil can be mixed with each other, forming a completely dispersed emulsion. However, emulsifier hydrophilic and oleophilic properties are generally not balanced and their applicable occasions are also different, the general, emulsifier and strong hydrophilic applicable to O / W emulsion, oily strong Pro emulsifier used in W/O emulsion. 

    Microcapsule phase change material is a new type of composite phase change material with core-shell structure, which is formed by the micro encapsulation technology in the solid liquid phase change material particle surface coating layer with stable performance. Micro encapsulated phase change materials in the transformation process, phase change material as the kernel of the solid-liquid phase transition, and the outer layer of the polymer film always keep to a solid state, so the kind of phase change materials will be at the macro has been solid particles. The micro encapsulated phase change material has the following properties: (1) the stability of the traditional PCM is improved. Such as the traditional PCM stability is poor, easy to occur the phenomenon of cold and phase separation. After the formation of micro capsules, these deficiencies will be improved as the capsule particles become smaller and smaller. (2) enhanced the heat transfer performance of traditional PCM. Micro PCMS tiny particles and thin wall (0.2 ~ 10 ^ m ^ m), improve the heat transfer efficiency and the use of PCM. (3) improve the processing performance of traditional PCM. Micro encapsulated phase change material particles are tiny, uniform particle size, easy to mix with a variety of polymer materials to form a more superior performance of composite phase change materials.

    Keywords: Emulsifier;Micro capsule;Phase change material


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iv

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.1.1 乳化剂国内发展现状 1

    1.1.2 乳化剂国外发展现状 1

    1.1.3 微胶囊相变材料现状 2

    1.2 乳化剂 2

    1.2.1  乳化剂的应用 2

    1.2.2  乳化剂的应用领域

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