    摘要本设计以 08 钢为坯料,设计低碳钢垫片落料冲孔复合模具。首先,通过对工件的工艺性分析,确定本课题所采用的工艺方案和复合模具类型。然后,根据经验公式,计算工件的冲压成形力,并以此为依据来校核模具强度、刚度及选择压力机。其次,在上述分析计算的基础上,依次设计模具的工作、固定、定位、紧固、导向零件,并选用弹簧和标准模架。最后,根据设计的零件结构及零件安装位置,绘制模具总装配图,并简要说明本套复合模具的结构特点和工作过程。21596
    关键词   工艺性分析  冲压成形力  模具零件  总装配图
    Title   The blanking and punching composite die design of    low carbon steel gasket                                  
    The topic  as  08 steel billet  to the material, designs blanking and punching
    composite die. First, I determine the technology programs and composite
    die type used in the topic  through the process analysis of the work piece.
    Secondly, consulting the empirical formula in literature and calculating
    the stamped and formed force of the work piece, as a basis for checking
    mold strength, stiffness, and selecting the press. Then, based on the above
    analysis and calculation, designing the working parts, fixed parts,
    positioning parts, fastening parts, oriented parts of the die in order and
    selecting the spring and the standard die base. Finally, according to the
    structure parts and the installation location, drawing a die general
    assembly drawing, and a brief description of the structural
    characteristics and working processes of the composite die.
    Keywords   The technology Analysis  The stamped and formed force  
              The die parts            The general assembly drawing
    目   次
    1.绪论 .  1
    1.1 冲压工艺种类及特点    1
    1.2 复合模具[8,9]
      .  2
    1.3 本设计的目的及意义    2
    2.冲裁件工艺性分析 .  3
    2.1材料分析    3
    2.2几何形状    3
    2.3冲孔尺寸要求    3
    2.4工件精度与断面粗糙度    4
      .  4
    2.6设计排样图    4
    2.7冲压力计算    6
    2.8压力中心的计算    9
    2.9冲裁凸模、凹模及凸凹模刃口尺寸确定    9
    3.工作零件设计   14
    3.1落料凹模结构尺寸计算  .  14
    3.2冲孔凸模设计  .  15
    3.3凸凹模结构尺寸计算  .  17
    4.固定零件设计   19
    4.1冲孔凸模固定板  .  19
    4.2冲孔凸模垫板  .  19
    4.3凸凹模固定板  .  20
    5.定位零件设计   21
    5.1挡料销  .  21
    5.2导料板  .  21
    6.卸料及推件零件   23
    6.1卸料板  .  23
    6.2推件装置  .  23
    7.弹簧及紧固零件   25
    7.1弹簧选用  .  25 7.2螺钉  .  26
    7.3销钉  .  26
    8.模架选用   28
    8.1上模座  .  28
    8.2下模座  .  29
    9.模具总装配图及工作过程   30
    9.1 模具总装配图  .  30
    9.2模具结构特点和工作过程  .  31
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