    Title   The Microstructure and Properties of Boronizing Layer after Carburizing of Low-Carbon Steel                             
    Abstract  The microstructure and properties of 18CrNiMo7-6 pack boronizing and boronizing after carburizing were studied in this paper. The metallographic structure of boronizing layer is observed with metallographic microscope, the hardness distribution of boronizing layer was tested with microhardness tester and the phase analysis of boronizing layer is conducted with XRD. The results show that compared with the boronizing layer after originally single boronizing, for the boronizing layer of 18CrNiMo7-6 after pre-carburizing, the thickness of boronizing layer increases, the maximum hardness decreases from 1732HV0.3 to 1453HV0.3, average hardness of matrix increases from 513HV0.3 to 687HV0.3, which greatly eases the hardness curve, reduces the fragility of boronizing layer and obviously optimizes the performance of boronizing layer. On the other hand, it is found in the single boronizing treatment and research that the rise of temperature and time will cause the increase of the thickness and maximum hardness of boronizing layer and poses certain influence on the performance and organization of boronizing layer.
    Keyword:18CrNiMo7-6;carbon multiboronizing;The boronized layer;Hardness curve; Thickness
    目   次                    
    1  引言    1
    1.1 复合渗硼技术    1
    1.2 碳硼复合渗的组织与性能    2
    1.3 本课题研究内容     4
    2 实验方法     5
    2.1 实验材料与设备    5
    2.2 实验过程与实验方案    6
    3实验结果与讨论    8
    3.1 渗硼层的金相组织分析    8
    3.2 渗层厚度分析    10
    3.3 渗硼层硬度测量    13
    3.4 渗硼层的物相分析    15
    结论    19
    致谢    20
    参考文献    21
    1  引言
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