    摘要本毕业设计以08F无凸缘圆筒形金属端盖零件的落料、拉深复合模设计为题,内容含盖从最初的工件的工艺分析到最后整个冲压模设计的流程。首先,从该产品的尺寸特点入手,通过进行工艺分析,确定了该零件可以用一套落料拉深复合模具来实现。然后根据工艺对模具的具体结构零件(凸模、凹模及凸凹模)进行尺寸计算并采用了螺纹和销钉来进行零件之间的连接和定位。在坯料的定位上采用了挡料销进行纵向定位、一组导料销进行横向定位。在模具的卸料装置中我们采用了弹性卸料板和刚性打料杆加打料块,而顶件装置则采用了一组弹性顶件杆和橡胶顶件弹簧来实现拉深压边和顶件。最后阐述了落料、拉深复合模具的整体结构特点及工作过程。本设计通过AutoCAD绘图,得到相关零件二文图及该制件的冲压复合模具装配图。 20768
    关键词  落料  拉深  复合模  工艺  结构
    Title  Design of complex blanking-deep drawing die designed for a metal cover
    The graduated design is about an complex blanking-deep drawing die which can make the 08 steel of metal cover . It coveres from the process analysis to the whole design of stamping die.First,make process analysis by the size of the the product features to determine complex blanking-deep drawing die is we want.Than according to the process to size the the specific structure of the parts(cold extruding die、forward extruding die and backward extruding die ) in the die.Also we use threads and pins to be connected and positioned between the parts. In the positioning of the blank,we use a gauge pin for longitude positioning and two guide stock for lateral positioning.The unloading devices in the die,we use the stripper plate with flexibility and rigid material rod plus slug hit.The kicker device is using a set of elastic marketing with  kicker springs in  rubber to achieve deep drawing press edges and kicker. At last we elaborated characteristics and working process of the compound die.Finally, two-dimensional map and general assembly drawing about the drawing -blanking- gang mold should be draw by AutoCAD.
    Keywords  Blanking  Drawing  Crafts   Structure    Composite die
    1  绪论    1
    2  制件的原始数据    7
    3  冲压工艺的确定    7
    3.1  工艺方案    7
    3.2  方案分析    7
    4  成形工艺计算    8
    4.1 毛坯的形状和尺寸    8
    4.2  拉深次数    8
    4.3 压边圈的使用    9
    4.4 成形力计算    9
    4.5 排样设计    11
    4.6 凹、凸模刃口尺寸计算    11
    5  模具零部件的结构设计    12
    5.1 模具工作零件设计    12
    5.2  卸料、压料零件    15
    5.3  定位装置及垫板    17
    5.4  推件、顶件装置    18
    5.5 模架    19
    5.6  弹性元件    21
    6 紧固零件    22
    7 冲压设备的选择    23
    8  模具结构特点及工作过程    23
    8.1  模具的结构特点    23
    8.2  模具的工作过程    23
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
    1  绪论
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