摘要: 直驱型风力发电系统以其可靠性高、功率控制灵活和能量转换效率高等优点,成为国内外风力发电系统的重要研究方向。本文在阅读了大量的国内外相关文献以及相应行业标准的基础上,选择PWM整流电路作为电机侧变流器。选择电压源型PWM逆变器作为网侧逆变器。由于作者能力有限,故本文只探讨了网侧变流器模块,构建了一个电网电压为380V的风力并网系统,并探讨了逆变电路的控制策略。21887
毕业论文关键词: 风力发电;空间电压矢量;电压源型逆变器
Research on Grid-Connected Inverter in control system of Wind Power
Abstract:Direct-driven wind generation system is considered to be an important research direction in wind generation technology area due to its superiorities of being gearless,no slip rings and brushes, flexible power control ability,etc.
In this paper,choosing PWM Rectifier as motor-side converter, selecting Voltage source PWM inverter as grid-side converter,based on reading a lot of relevant literature and on the basis of relevant industry standards, and then building a 380V wind power grid system, And discusses the control strategy of inverter circuit.
The article first comparative analysised the common double-fed and direct-drive wind power System topology, described its advantages and disadvantages of the corresponding control strategy. Aim at the selected topology of topic, choosing SVPWM as grid-side inverter’s control strategy. By the grid voltage oriented vector control, realizing the independent of d and q axis current control, thus controlling the system’s active and reactive power.
The work use MATLAB\Simulink and Power Electronics Warehouse SimPowerSystems to simulate SVPWM switching control method and power grid modular .Experimental results show that the proposed control method can achieve the expected results.
Keywords: wind power; SVPWM; Voltage source inverter
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外风电产业发展现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 我国风力发电产业所面临的问题 2
1.4 风力发电的并网方式 2
1.5 并网逆变器主要控制方法 3
2 风力发电系统的拓扑结构 5
2.1 常用风电拓扑结构 5
2.1.1 恒速恒频机组 5
2.1.2 变速恒频机组 6
2.2 直驱型风电机组的拓扑结构 8
2.2.1 不可控整流器后接直流电压变化的电压源型逆变器 8
2.2.2 不可控整流器后接直流侧电压稳定的PWM电压源型逆变器 9
2.2.3 PWM整流器后接电压源型PWM逆变器 10
2.2.4 不可控整流器后接电流源型逆变器 10
2.3 本章小结 11
3 直驱型风力发电系统的控制策略 12
3.1 坐标变换 12
- 上一篇:智能变电站保护测控装置的自动测试系统研究
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