


    毕业论文关键词:美术教学  小学生审美  能力培养

    Abstract:Aesthetic is a subjective activity, pupil indispensable a free life activity, is also the nature of children is the most original, the most, but it is also a way of existence of transcendence. Let students appreciate the art works, contact art since childhood, a direct dialogue with the classic, art works for a harmonious, pleasant, thoughts on unfettered exploration, is to deepen students understanding of art sino-us, aesthetic awareness, cultivate aesthetic sensitivity and taste. "The fine arts curriculum can cultivate student's noble sentiment, improve the aesthetic ability, enhance the love of nature and life and sense of responsibility, and cultivate their respect for and protection of the attitudes of the natural environment and the desire and ability to create a better life." In the elementary school fine arts education teaching, teachers should constantly to the cultivation of students aesthetic ability, doing so will help students to form correct aesthetic standard, and for the students to form correct outlook on life, values, world view, lay a good foundation. 

    Of this study was to study the pupils in the environment, natural and aesthetic characteristics of art, as well as a variety of factors. Summarized on the basis of the research, puts forward the primary aesthetic cultivation methods, hope to provide some theory and research support for the primary school art education. 

    Keywords: primary aesthetic   aesthetic education   art appreciation

    引言 4

    1.小学生审美的特点及影响因素 5

    1.1审美的概念 5

    1.2小学生审美的特点 5

    1.3影响小学生审美的因素 6

    1.3.1经验因素 6

    1.3.2生理因素 6

    1.3.3社会性因素 7

    2.小学生的审美能力的培养 7

    2.1欣赏环境美 8

    2.2感悟自然美 8

    2.3创设艺术美 9

    结  论 10

    参考文献 11

    致  谢 12



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