
    摘要: 该项目基地位于江苏省南通市通州区,是通州新城的重要组成部分,通吕运河是江苏著名的通航运河之一,是南通第一条文明样板航道,是城区内起到连接新老城区的枢纽河道,外通长江,紧贴城市及核心经济圈,是内河运输的主要河道。通吕运河世纪公园段全长约为1.8公里,是新城重要的景观地段和城市开发空间,是城市未来在滨水区域结合的中心区域。设计应学习运用国内外先进的设计理念和技术手段,充分发挥和利用运河的优势和特色,将核心区景观打造成南通新的城市名片。该项目建成后应兼具景观功能和生态功能,为市民提供休闲、娱乐、观光、科普等多功能服务。核心区规划设计需充分考虑运河文化传承、功能分区合理、生态修复优先等,更重要的是满足当代人生活所需。本次设计内容包括总体概念规划,分区设计导则及交通、品牌、城市家具、生态等专项规划设计。48126

    毕业论文关键词: 通吕运河;一河两岸;滨水景观;生态修复

    Nantong Tonglv River (Century Park)Landscape Concept Planning

    Abstract: The design project based in Tongzhou, Nantong. It is an important part of the new town. Tonglv River is one of the most famous navigation canal. It can perform connection function in Nantong. Tonglv River (Century Park), about 1.8km, is the most important landscape lot and urban space, is also the future of urban waterfront binding in the central area of the city will become the core of the future. Design should be combined with advanced design concepts and technological means, fully use around the river's resources to build a new city card. After the completion of the project should have both ecological and landscape features, providing people with leisure, sightseeing, learning and other multifunctional services. The planning of urban core should be considered cultural heritage, reasonable function and ecological priority, retention characteristics and meet the demand of contemporary. Design content is all environments, including the overall planning, Partition design guideline, transportation, brand, street furniture, ecology and other inpidual planning and design. 

    Keywords: tonglv river; two-bank-waterfront; waterfront landscape; ecological restoration 


    1 引言 1

    1.1 设计依据 1

    1.2 设计原则 1

    1.2.1 构建和谐发展模式 1

    1.2.2 拓展开放性国际视野 1

    1.2.3 寻求本土型城市特色 2

    1.2.4 塑造整体性城市结构 2

    1.2.5 树立人本性生活方式 2

    1.3 设计目的 2

    2 背景资料 3

    2.1 背景资料 3

    3 基地现状 4

    3.1 区域概况 4

    3.2 基地调研

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