
    摘  要:毕业设计对实现大学教育培养目标实现的重要阶段,是毕业前的综合学习阶段,是深化、拓展、综合教学的重要过程,是对大学期间四年所学专业知识的全面总结。此次毕业设计我的选题是“浒曦”淮安运河博物馆室内空间设计Ⅱ——空间效果表现,以“浒曦”为设计理念浒是水边的意思,溪是日出的意思,浒溪就是一种水边的日出,借该名意蕴运河不仅记载运河两岸千百年来的岁月更替,而且传达中华名族的勤劳和热爱美好生活的精神,日出而作,日落而息。本课题是对淮安运河博物馆的改造,对其建造风格的设计,内部的结构进行现代简约化的设计,并合理自然光线与建造结构的完美结合。67597


    Abstract:Graduation design to realize the goal of cultivating goal of college education important stage, is the comprehensive study stage before graduation, is one of the important process of deepening and expanding, the comprehensive teaching, is the university four years professional knowledge during the period of comprehensive summary. The graduation design my topic is "xushuguan the sunrise " huaian Ⅱ canal museum interior space design, space effect, in order to "xushuguan the sunrise " design philosophy xushuguan is the meaning of the water, the stream is the meaning of the sunrise, xushuguan creek is one kind of the water of the sunrise, borrow the name meaning canal not only recorded canals in one thousand years, and convey the Chinese nation spirit of diligence and love the good life, sunrise, whether. This topic is to huaian canal renovation of the museum, the construction of the style design, the internal structure of contemporary and contracted design, reasonable and perfect combination of natural light and the building structure.

    Keywords: Xushuguan the sunrise, museums, interior, the transformation, the light


    1  背景介绍 3

    2  条件分析 6

    3  项目设计目的及意义 6

    4  方案概述 7

     4.1  设计思路 7

     4.2  设计方法 7

     4.3  设计内容 8

    5  方案创新与不足 10

     5.1  方案的创新 10

     5.2  方案的不足 10

    结 论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    附录 15




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