    A preliminary commercial exhibition space oriented design
    Abstract: Nowadays, along with the social development, people with the accelerating pace of life, clear the purpose of indicating can reduce the cost of the time, thus guide design is vital part of commercial exhibition space. Guide is designed to better able to guide people in commercial exhibition space activities and meet consumer demand. Oriented design through different visual language to express the function of different information. Pay attention to the functional orientation of commercial exhibition space design and unity, provides consumers with a clear, convenient and environment of the system.
    This article mainly expounds the research of commercial exhibition space oriented design, and guide design at home and abroad, the development situation of search advertising design and innovation of current popular at home and abroad guidance design, analysis and refining outstanding merit in the design of guide, integrated into the design. Through design of joint bookstore guide, in unfamiliar environment, stream of people to provide clear, clearly guide books classification, and ensure the continuity of the walking process.
    Keywords: Oriented design, Traffic routes, Commercial exhibition space
    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究的意义    4
    (二)国内外发展状况    4
    1.国外发展状况    4
    2.国内发展状况    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    4
    二、联合书店介绍    5
    (一)经营理念    5
    (二)定位    5
    三、导向设计相关调研    5
    (一)日本九小时胶囊酒店    5
    (二)东京工芸大学    6
    (三)西来灵水古榕带景区    6
    四、联合书店导向设计方案介绍    7
    (一)设计构想    7
    (二)设计说明    8
    五、总结    11
    751、致谢    12
    七、参考文献    12

    在二十世纪二十年代,导向设计是受到现代主义平面设计运动的影响才开始发展起来 的。和国内相比,一些欧美的发达国家对导向设计的研究起步较早,并且已经形成了比较完整系统的学科理论,对导向设计的认知水平达到了一个比较高的层次。而且导向设计被作为城市建设中的一项基础设施来对待。商业场所的导向设计也会在环境设计的初期阶段就开始统一设计。而且,从过去在导向设计趋于标准化时开始研究导向设计的特色化,发展迅速,时至今日,已经拥有很高的水准。
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