

    现在的社会正处于转型期的关键时期,各种尖锐的社会问题都显现出来,比如“医院室内环境设计如何优化,从而用以辅助治疗” 这一设计命题也是亟待研究的问题之一。本文的立意就是讨论人性化的医院室内环境的设计及应用,并以医院门诊大厅为例来阐述,力求以小见大。


    毕业论文关键词  医院  门诊大厅  人性化  室内设计

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Humanized interior design research—— Hospital     outpatient service hall of humanized design       


    Humanized design is the core of "human needs", humanized design is the premise of to person's understanding, it includes physical, psychological and way of life of all kinds of people, etc. Humanized design has been consciously or unconsciously in the growth, accompanied by design and humanized the broad concept of interior design, now has become one of the main trend of interior design. 

    Now the society is in a critical period of transition, all sorts of sharp social problems are appeared, such as "hospital how to improve the indoor environment design, thus to adjuvant therapy" is of great importance to research this proposition is one of the problems. Conception of this article is to discuss humanized hospital design and application of the indoor environment, and in the hospital outpatient service hall as an example to illustrate, makes every effort to view. 

    Hospital indoor public space on ground floor of the outpatient hall) humanized design research, mainly reflected in: (1) (physical) function system design, space planning, scale and orientation system, environmental facilities, etc., (2) the visual system design (psychological), color, landscaping, lighting, and place the use of traditional elements, etc. 

    Keywords  hospital  outpatient service hall  humanized  interior design

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  人性化室内设计理念简述  5

    1.2  课题概述:与本文有关的人性化室内设计  5

    1.2.1  课题研究的意义  5

    1.2.2  现状问题与创新分析  5

    1.2.3  课题研究的范围  6

    1.2.4  课题研究的思路  6

    2  国内医院室内环境的分析  6

    3  功能上的人性化室内设计  7

    3.1  人性化的空间规划布置  7

    3.1.1  人性化的空间布局  8

    3.1.2  人性化的交通流线  8

    3.1.3  人性化的交往尺度  9

    3.2  人性化的标志系统  9

    3.3  人性化的室内家具和陈设  9

    3.4  人性化的无障碍系统  10

    3.5  环保材质、材料的选择  10

    3.6  景观小品设计  11

    4  心理上的人性化室内设计  11

    4.1  人性化的色彩搭配  11

    4.2  人性化的绿化设计  12

    4.3  人性化采光设计  12

    4.3.1  自然采光的合理利用  12

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